
Trainwreck sex scene with Amy Schumer was “embarrassing”

Trainwreck sex scene with Amy Schumer was “embarrassing”

John Cena has had plenty of unforgettable nude moments, but that doesn’t make them any less embarrassing.

From his 2024 Oscar stunt to sex scenes, the Jackpot! The actor recalled some of his most embarrassing moments during a recent interview with Shannon Sharpe Club Shay Shay Podcast. This includes his comedic sex scene with Amy Schumer in 2015 Train accidentwhere Cena played Schumer’s character’s boyfriend.

“Amy is an angel, she made it such a comfortable atmosphere, and then when I got the part, at one point they said, ‘Yeah, it’s a sex scene. We want you to do elaborate and crazy stunt sex, and all those lines you had? We’re probably not going to use them, we’re just doing this stunt sex scene,'” Cena recalled of the filming.

“It’s a great production. But dude, man, the catering was right there and the sound tent was right there,” the WWE star continued. “It takes so many people to make a movie. There’s nothing intimate about it. Nothing. So it’s really awkward, and then to do a weird sex scene where you’re making fun of yourself? They literally said, ‘Try to have the most awkward sex you possibly can.'”

However, that wasn’t Cena’s worst memory. Ricky Stanicky The actor said his Oscar sketch earlier this year, in which he presented an award almost completely naked on stage, was far more uncomfortable.

“I step in front of a room full of my peers – many of whom I’ve never met because I haven’t worked my way up to meet them,” he said. “I’ve got the most awarded artists, producers and directors in a room and I walk out there with my balls in the wind, with an index card over my stuff, and I ask, ‘Hey guys, is this funny? Are we good?'”

After the podcast episode aired, Schumer later responded in her Instagram story to Cena’s comments about her Train accident sex scene.

“John, how dare you,” she joked in one video. “That sex scene meant a lot to me and I absolutely loved it. And I’m in love with you.”

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