
She divorces her husband even though he is unable to support himself because he impregnated another woman – Chip Chick

She divorces her husband even though he is unable to support himself because he impregnated another woman – Chip Chick

Many people who have gone through a divorce can remember the moment they decided it was over. Usually, this happened after a series of unpleasant and disappointing incidents.

A woman has officially decided to divorce her husband of 13 years because he is expecting a child by another woman, even though he has neither a job nor the means to support himself.

She and her husband have a long history together, having been a couple since high school. They lost touch for many years, entered into relationships with other people, and fell in love again years later.

When they married 13 years ago, she and her husband each had a child from a previous marriage, so they created a blended family. They were happily married for a few years until a series of incidents changed everything.

Things started to go downhill when her husband had a serious accident at work and had to undergo surgery.

“Due to the nature of his work, he was no longer able to perform the task he was hired to do and was eventually fired,” she said.

“When we met again, I already owned a home and he and his son moved in with me. I found out that he had lied about the house he lived in before we got married; it belonged to his father, not him.”

When her husband suddenly became unemployed, he told her he couldn’t help her pay the household expenses because all his money was tied up in his father’s house. To make matters worse, nothing ever came out of that house because two years later it was foreclosed on and her father-in-law had to move in with them.

Although there was another person in the house, no one offered to help her and she had to support her household of five people all by herself.

Minerva Studio – – for illustration purposes only, not the actual person

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