
The 7 things I like least about AI photo editors

The 7 things I like least about AI photo editors

Key findings

  • AI image editing programs should be used as a tool and not as a means to an end.
  • AI editors sometimes make mistakes. Don’t rely on them 100%.
  • Due to limited features, AI editors may not be ideal for learning photo editing.

While AI photo editors can make your editing workflow much easier, they are far from perfect. There are several things I don’t like about them, and here’s what they are – all based on my own experience using this software.

1 You cannot fully control the final appearance

AI photo editors are, by and large, designed to speed up your editing time. This is helpful if you’re trying to edit images in bulk, or if you just don’t enjoy adjusting your own images. My biggest gripe, however, is that you don’t have complete control over the end result.

Pixlr’s AI Denoise tool in action

While you can edit various aspects yourself and refine the information you’re given, it’s very difficult to achieve exactly what you want if you’re going for a certain style. For this reason, I don’t rely on AI editing for most of my work. Instead, I’ve found it’s better to fix problems (I particularly like Lightroom’s AI tools for this) and get an idea of ​​what a final result might be.

If you’re a complete beginner, this probably won’t bother you too much. But as you gain experience, you’ll want more control over how your images look.

2 AI image editing programs sometimes make mistakes

Another big problem with AI photo editors is that many people see them as flawless. This is a problem I see with AI in general. For example, some people think that the first ChatGPT response is perfect.

LunaPic AI image editing suite

I can give you a concrete example related to an AI photo editor. In early 2024, I was editing some pictures from my trip to Iceland. I used a tool to fix the errors in my image, however, there was a very obvious defect in some buildings and so I decided to start over.

Like all other forms of AI, you should think of image editors of this kind more as a tool. They will occasionally make mistakes, so you shouldn’t rely on them 100%. Also, remember to avoid these mistakes when using generative AI tools.

3 AI photo editors are not good for learning how to edit photos

Learning to use photo editing software takes years of trial and error. Although I made a lot of mistakes early in my photography career, I’m glad I did because they made me a much better editor. While I think everyone has to go through a phase of clicking the “auto” tab and accepting the changes as they are, I also think you have to get past that point at some point.

The enhancement feature in Luminar Neo

As you edit your photos, you’ll naturally learn how each slider works over time. You’ll also learn how to use features like color correction. If you rely on a one-click editor, you’ll miss out on this learning curve.

Whether this point is important to you ultimately depends on your long-term goals. If you just want to quickly edit your smartphone images, this may not be a big deal, but if you want to develop your photography further, knowing how to fully utilize your software is a significant advantage.

4 Limited functions

Okay, so this issue is kind of related to what I just mentioned. Compared to photo editing software that isn’t all about AI, I feel like AI photo editors are limited in what they can do. Many offer features like automatic adjustments and sky replacement, but it doesn’t seem like they have the depth to give you maximum editing control.

In my opinion, the best option is a photo editing tool that offers both manual and AI features – the best of both worlds. For example, Lightroom and Photoshop both have AI features in addition to their other offerings.

When choosing an AI image editor, make sure it includes at least the tools you need. You may also want to use more than one solution, but make sure you don’t overwhelm yourself.

5 AI photo editors can make your images look fake

While this might be because I spend most of my time looking at photos and talking about photography every day, I can very easily tell if something was created with AI. The same goes for articles that were written with AI but not edited at all.

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When using AI photo editing software, I sometimes noticed that my images no longer look very realistic. They often look way too smooth and if you don’t know how to use the software properly, inconsistencies can also occur (e.g. when trying to replace an element, the entire element is not selected).

Most of the time, you can mitigate this problem by learning to better highlight and select areas of your image, but even then, you need to be aware that you may not get the realistic results you want.

6 AI image editing programs cannot automatically correct bad images

No editor, whether it uses AI or not, can correct problems with your photos beyond a certain point. For example, if your image looks too blurry, it’s better to fix the problem and try again.

Black laptop with before and after photo of grass
Osonmez2 / Shutterstock

The reason I say this is because many photographers look at editing software as a way to fix every problem. Ideally, you get as much right as you can right in camera and your editing software is just there to make the final adjustments. It doesn’t always work that way, but you should still try to achieve this more often.

7 AI image editing programs lack the human touch

It takes years (and in some cases decades) to find your photography style. To get to that point, you need to learn how to use your software and camera to make your images unique. So relying solely on AI photo editors will, in my opinion, be hard-pressed to stand out from the crowd.

One problem with AI is that everything it produces has the same tone – this is also the case with AI photo editors. Again, this is fine if you only edit occasionally – but if not, you should try adding your own human touch. Think about how you really want your image to look and make further adjustments based on that.

Despite my objections to AI photo editing, I believe it offers several benefits when used correctly. The most important thing is to remember that they are not the be-all and end-all. You also need to know their limitations and prepare for potential mishaps with your images.

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