
Nuclear energy is missing from the Democrats’ party program

Nuclear energy is missing from the Democrats’ party program

Nuclear energy is missing from the Democrats’ party program

Author and energy journalist Robert Bryce’s observations on the Democratic Party platform this week. … They focus on nuclear power and its notable absence from the Democrats’ demands for the United States.

1) The absence of nuclear energy in the party’s manifesto shows once again that although the Democrats are making climate change a top issue – the word “climate” appears 81 times in the 92-page manifesto – the Democratic Party is still firmly in the grip of large anti-nuclear NGOs that operate with annual budgets of over $100 million.

He claims that Democratic leaders receive a lot of money from groups like the Sierra Club and the League of Conservation Voters and that they would not dare alienate them.

2) In fact, as I explained in May, the fetishism of renewable energy dominates the left’s approach to energy. The word “solar” appears nine times in the party platform, wind power is mentioned twice, and “clean energy” — the generic marketing term that has become the justification for hundreds of billions of dollars in corporate aid under the Anti-Inflation Act — appears 44 times. (The word “Trump” appears 150 times!)

Bryce went on to write that the omission of nuclear energy from this year’s Democratic Party platform means that nuclear energy has only been mentioned positively in the platform once in the last half century, in 2020.

Why is this important? He points out that the United States, which currently has not a single nuclear power plant under construction, has fallen far behind China and other countries. China announced this week that it plans to spend $31 million to build 11 new reactors over the next five years.

That is why the headline of Bryce’s latest article is “Where are the pro-nuclear Democrats?”

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