
The Ackland Art Museum at UNC-Chapel Hill offers free glasses for the colorblind

The Ackland Art Museum at UNC-Chapel Hill offers free glasses for the colorblind

The UNC-Chapel Hill Art Museum now offers EnChroma glasses for people who are colorblind.

According to officials, the Ackland Art Museum is the first art museum in North Carolina to have such resources.

EnChroma is a California-based company that sells glasses for people who are colorblind. The museum has partnered with EnChroma through the company’s color recognition technology. Accessibility program to get the glasses. According to the National Eye Institute, about one in twelve men and one in 200 women are color blind.

“While people with normal color vision see over a million shades and hues, people who are colorblind see only an estimated 10% of those,” said Lillian Rodriguez, the learning resource coordinator at the Ackland Art Museum. “As a result, for people with red-green colorblindness, colors appear dull and washed out, and some are difficult to distinguish from one another. This can impact the ability of people who are colorblind to fully experience vibrant, colorful art.”

The glasses are free of charge. People who need them can reserve them now at Ackland Art Museum website before visiting the free museum.

Rodriguez said the museum also has a new audio resource onlinewhich gives the listener the impression of strolling through the museum’s art galleries.

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