
Patrick Vieira explains why he’s such a big fan of Rice | Quotes | News

Patrick Vieira explains why he’s such a big fan of Rice | Quotes | News

Arsenal legend Patrick Vieira was in the Live From N5 studio at the Emirates Stadium last weekend for the game against Wolves.

During the show, the former defensive midfielder spoke about why Declan Rice is one of his favourite players in the Premier League.

“I like him because he is a team player. I think when you play in this position you have to be the one who sacrifices for the team,” he said. “You have to win the ball and leave it to the players who can make the difference.”

“It’s a really difficult position to be in because you work hard for the team but you might not get as much recognition as the guys who score those goals.”

Patrick further stressed that it is Declan’s ability to work selflessly on the field that makes him so important.

“If you look at last year’s arsenal – and I hope it will be the same this year – he will play an important key role for the team because he will do all the dirty work to make the others look good and they can make the difference in the last 30 metres.

“He is one of my favourite players in the Premier League because of his sacrifice, his hard work for the team and his team player.”

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