
Green Party candidates will appear on PA ballots

Green Party candidates will appear on PA ballots


HARRISBURG, PA – On August 9, the Green Party’s statewide candidates were placed on the ballot for the 2024 general election by the Pennsylvania Department of State.

There were no opponents to presidential candidates Jill Stein, Leila Hazou for the U.S. Senate and Richard L. Weiss for Attorney General of Pennsylvania by the deadline.

GPPA co-chair Jeremy Griffin praised the effectiveness of the grassroots movement, acknowledging the number of volunteers and signatories that exceeded the party’s goal of 10,000 signatures.

Alex Casper, a member of the GPPA steering committee, said the candidates address societal issues such as homelessness, mass incarceration and fracking.

The Green Party of Pennsylvania is an independent political party focused on grassroots democracy, nonviolence, ecological wisdom, and social justice/equal opportunity.

Green Party of Pennsylvania,

Pennsylvania Department of State,

Jill Stone,

Leila Hazou,

US Senate,

Richard L. Weiss,

Attorney General of Pennsylvania,

Jeremy Griffin,

Alex Casper,

Green Party of the PA

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