
Car buyers are more likely to interact with automotive publishers than with car brand websites

Car buyers are more likely to interact with automotive publishers than with car brand websites

A new study by Sophus3 in collaboration with Bauer Media and Autovia has highlighted the importance of publishing brands when buying a car: a large proportion of car buyers visit “premium” publishers to decide on the car they want to buy.

The new report analyzed consumer data from automotive brands Parkers, CAR, Auto Express and carbuyer and found that publishers are seeing an increasing proportion of visits during the checkout process as customers move toward a transaction. In contrast, automotive brands are seeing more visits during the checkout process when the purchase decision has already been made.

In fact, the average publisher brand received more than four times the traffic of a car brand’s website. The test group of four premium UK publishers generated more pre- and mid-trip visitors than all 22 car brands combined. In total, the additional traffic from the four publishers equates to a total of more than five million annual visits that car brands do not receive digitally.

When looking at consumers considering purchasing an electric vehicle, these results are even more striking. The decision to purchase an electric vehicle or a non-electric vehicle is much more likely to be made on a premium publisher’s website than on an auto brand’s website. This plays an important role in the transition between the “engaged” and “ready to transact” stages of the car purchase process.

Patrick Fuller, Head of Insight at Sophus 3 said “The Sophus3 eDataXchange platform brings together data from multiple brands to reveal how car buyers use digital channels to make their purchase decisions. In this study, we analyzed 90 million digital interactions across 22 car brand websites and a leading group of UK premium publishers. Our in-depth analysis highlights the central role of premium publisher websites in attracting new customers and enabling their purchase decisions. This opens up opportunities for car brands to optimize their digital marketing strategies and better engage potential buyers.”

Jim Burton, Digital Commercial Director – Cars, Bauer Media UK said: “This independent third-party research shows once again that the audiences visiting premium car publishers are more engaged, a fact that has been evident for years with our Parkers and Car brands. With consumer decisions clearly made between the ‘engaged’ and ‘intentional’ stages, car brands should consider advertising with premium publishing brands during these key stages. Here they can influence car buyers who might not otherwise see them, because by the time these consumers reach the car brand or dealership website, they have already made their decision, according to independent research.”

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For further press information please contact:
Jyoti Mand – Senior Communications Manager, Bauer Media UK
[email protected]

About Sophu3 Insight – Bauer Automotive
Source: “Premium Publisher Study 2024: How high-quality content influences car purchases.” Created by Sophus3 on behalf of Autovia and Bauer Media, available here.

About Bauer Media UK
Bauer Media UK reaches over 25 million UK consumers through a portfolio of premium, cross-platform media and entertainment brands including heat, KISS, Grazia, Empire, Magic, Absolute Radio and the Hits Radio Brand Network. These brands provide commercial partners with access to highly engaged audiences with creative solutions based on insight and instinct. Bauer Media UK is part of the Bauer Media Group, one of the world’s largest privately owned media companies with media assets around the world.

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