
3 restaurants around the world to eat with EatLafayette

3 restaurants around the world to eat with EatLafayette

At least once a year, the world travels to Lafayette to celebrate music and food. But when you visit Eat Lafayette, you’ll soon realize that the world is already here, and it’s brought food with it, too.

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Almost every important cuisine in the world can be found at Eat Lafayette Restaurants. If your taste is more Asian and your appetite is 100% South Louisiana, then you will love Asian Palace Buffetwhich always offers a wide selection, authentic recipes and the perfect place to check in with your digital passport from Eat Lafayette.


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You could win a trip to Austin, Texas if you check in with this digital pass, but right now we have our locations set up a little further east than Austin. How about the Middle East, Greece, the Mediterranean? Of course we are talking about Zeushandmade favorites prepared in the traditional way and served fresh when you order.

And if you want to experience the flavors of a closer ocean, let your taste buds take you on a trip to Cuba and the Caribbean. Café Habana City. Do you want a traditional Cuban sandwich? Fancy some rice, beans, plantains and a mojito?

You don’t have to drive 90 miles across the ocean to get there, it’s just down the road if you Eat Lafayette.

And don’t forget to check your delicious travels with the Digital Passport, available now at Eat Lafayette.

Best Restaurants to Celebrate an Anniversary in Lafayette, Louisiana

We asked local people where they like to celebrate and these are their recommendations.

Gallery credit: Sydney Ducharme

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