
Increased donor numbers fuel unprecedented donations at Purdue University

Increased donor numbers fuel unprecedented donations at Purdue University

A record number of donations for Purdue Day of Giving came from boilermakers around the world who gave together to Purdue University on April 24, 2024. During the 24-hour online and social media fundraiser, 32,054 donations raised a record $76.5 million for the university – bringing the total raised for Purdue Day of Giving since its inception in 2014 to $497 million. Celebrations on the West Lafayette campus included a run with Purdue President Mung Chiang and the university’s first selfie museum. (Purdue for Life Foundation photo/Michael Fairchild)

According to a report from the Purdue for Life Foundation, Purdue University’s trend of breaking major institution-wide records in fiscal year 2024 extended to the philanthropic sector.

Purdue for Life recently announced in its impact report that the university has set records for new pledges and philanthropic dollars in 2024.

  • New pledges reached $632.3 million, surpassing the record of $610.3 million set a year ago. The university has seen a 51% increase over the past four years.
  • The philanthropic cash amount of $349.8 million surpassed the 2022 record of $245.3 million and represents a 71% increase over the past four years.

These efforts were fueled by a nearly 2% increase in total donors, to 85,421 – a record for total annual donors outside of a major campaign.

The Purdue for Life announcement complements a report presented to the Board of Trustees on Aug. 2 announcing that the university has set new records in research awards, philanthropic fundraising, undergraduate and graduate degree applications and selections, graduation rates, online enrollment, patents received and media exposure.

“We are excited to be part of an unprecedented year for Purdue University, and this is certainly a remarkable accomplishment for everyone in the Purdue family,” said Greg Kapp, vice president of development for Purdue for Life. “We are eternally grateful to the alumni, friends and fans who support the university. Every contribution, no matter how large, truly makes an impact. Purdue is in the business of creating a better world, and it is uplifting to see Boilermakers around the world united behind such an important mission.”

There are many ways to support Purdue.

This year, Misty Tyree (HHS’68) established a planned gift to support a number of initiatives across the university by mortgaging her 680-acre farmland in Indiana, valued at $9 million. After her death, proceeds from the sale of her farmland will support study abroad and scholarships for agriculture students, study abroad for veterinary medicine students, research in the Center for Human-Animal Bond, service dog research with the Military Family Research Institute, a chair in human development and family sciences in honor of her start in the College of Health and Human Sciences, and a professorship in electrical and computer engineering in honor of her late husband.

To learn how you can make a difference, visit

The University has planned a series of fall events aimed at ushering in another year of great progress in 2024–25:

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