
The donation potential multiplied: Families join forces to provide school supplies to children around the world

The donation potential multiplied: Families join forces to provide school supplies to children around the world

Photo submitted by Samaritan’s Purse.

Wooden fin – As summer draws to a close and the back-to-school rush begins, families aren’t just stocking up on school supplies for their own children. In a heartwarming twist, many are also collecting essential items to fill shoeboxes for children in need around the world. This initiative, led by Operation Christmas Child, is changing lives, one gift-filled box at a time.

The impact of a simple gift

For countless children, basic school supplies like crayons and markers are often out of reach. Olesea Makarets, a young girl from Moldova, knows this struggle all too well. Growing up, she and her siblings had to share a few worn-out markers and use them until they were completely dry. In an inventive attempt to extend their lifespan, they even dipped the markers in water in the hope of squeezing out a little more color.

When Olesea received her own shoebox from Operation Christmas Child, it was a moment she will never forget. “I couldn’t take my eyes off a pack of colorful markers,” she recalls. The joy of having something of her own was overwhelming. “When I was given a shoebox, I realized that Jesus, the powerful man from the Bible, actually exists,” she said. This simple act of kindness not only provided her with supplies, but also gave her a sense of hope and faith.

A call to action for local families

As families in Woodfin, North Carolina prepare for the upcoming school year, they are encouraged to get involved in this global effort. National Collection Week is November 18-25, and participants can donate $10 per shoebox gift online through the Follow Your Box program. This allows donors to track where their gifts end up and build a personal connection with the children who receive them.

For those who prefer to shop from home, the process is just as simple. The Samaritan’s Purse website allows people to create virtual shoeboxes tailored to specific age groups and genders. Donors can select gifts and even add a personal note of encouragement, making each box special.

A legacy of love and hope

Operation Christmas Child has been helping to improve the situation since 1993. Over 220 million shoeboxes full of gifts have been delivered to children in over 170 countries. The aim of the project is to show God’s love in a tangible way and at the same time to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ together with local churches around the world.

The impact of these shoeboxes goes far beyond the items they contain. They remind children that they are loved and valued. Each box not only contains school supplies, but also the message that someone cares enough to make a difference in their lives.

Become part of the movement

Families interested in donating can find out more information by calling 704-583-1463 or visiting The upcoming collection week provides an excellent opportunity for communities to come together and support children who may not have access to basic educational resources.

As the school year approaches, let’s remember that our small acts of kindness can create ripples of change around the world. By filling shoeboxes with school supplies, we can change lives and give hope to the children who need it most.

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