
Chino police issue 400 tickets to semi-trailer drivers using city streets

Chino police issue 400 tickets to semi-trailer drivers using city streets

As part of their ongoing efforts to prevent truck drivers from flooding the streets around the city, Chino police have issued hundreds of tickets to truck drivers in recent months.

Despite these rigorous measures, trucks still appear to be frequenting the area, which annoys both residents and city officials.

“I would prefer if the big trucks didn’t come through here,” says William Jimenez, who lives on Chino Avenue.

He has lived in the area for more than two decades and says the road has become something of a beacon for large trucks in recent years, especially after it was expanded from two to four lanes.

The problem, however, is that Chino Avenue is a residential street and semi-trucks are not allowed to use it for their travel, which is clearly stated in the signs along the road.

This was apparently not enough, so the city government put up a large electric sign to increase its efforts to deter truck drivers.

“Chino Avenue is not a designated truck route and never has been,” said Matthew Bramlett, a city spokesman. “What we are doing right now is responding to residents’ concerns.”

They even reached out to Google to ask if they could update their software to show drivers that Chino Avenue is not a designated area.

In addition, police have begun issuing tickets to large trucks using the road. Last year, more than 400 such tickets were issued – each worth $250.

They say the problem is far greater than the noise pollution that normally accompanies the semi-trailers.

“We also want to maintain our infrastructure,” Bramlett said. “Chino Avenue is not really designed for heavy-duty traffic. Over time, as trucks drive down Chino Avenue, the pavement deteriorates, cracks and potholes form.”

Chino Avenue is not the only option for drivers, officials say. Both Edison Avenue and Riverside Drive, which are wide enough to accommodate large trucks, have access to the 71 Freeway.

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