
Bartiromo reprimanded for voter registration of immigrants

Bartiromo reprimanded for voter registration of immigrants

Maria Bartiromo

The Texas Department of Public Safety on Tuesday refuted a post by the Fox Business host. Maria Bartiromoin which she shared a statement “from a friend” on X that there were long lines of immigrants registering to vote outside the state’s DMVs. It was a statement Bartiromo also shared live with her Fox audience.

Bartiromo, who was involved in Fox’s roundly refuted claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election and the subsequent lawsuit against Dominion, posted on Sunday morning:

From a friend …
A friend of mine’s wife had to take her 16-year-old son to the DMV this week to get a new driver’s license. I couldn’t get an appointment online (all booked), so I went in person and had to go to three DMVs to get something done. The first DMV was in Weatherford. There was a huge line of immigrants wanting a driver’s license, and outside the front door of the DMV there was a tent and a table to register them as voters! The second was in Fort Worth, with the same lines and the same Democrats out front. The third was in North Fort Worth, where there were no lines, but the same voter registration drive.

McClatchy’s own Fort Worth Star-Telegram examined Bartiromo’s post and found, “Although Bartiromo herself did not utter the word ‘illegal,’ her followers did not hesitate to make that assumption. She did not immediately respond to a request for comment.”

Sergeant. William Lockridge, a spokesman for the Texas Department of Public Safety told the Star-Telegram in a statement that the statement made by Bartiromo was “simply false.” The report said, “Contrary to the statement made by Bartiromo’s friend’s wife, there is no Texas Department of Motor Vehicles office in Weatherford. People there get their driver’s license at a DPS driver’s license office.”

“None of this is true,” Lockridge added, calling the claims “kind of racist.” He added: “Just because these people are not white doesn’t mean they’re illegal.” According to the Star-Telegram, Lockridge confirmed one detail in the post: “There was a table outside the DPS driver’s license office in Lake Worth on Friday, Lockridge said, but not at the other two locations mentioned in Bartiromo’s post.”

Bartiromo also made this claim on her show on Monday. She told her guest that she had heard of “these immigrants in these DMV offices where people are trying to get a driver’s license. They can’t get an appointment at the DMV because it’s full of illegals.”

“The person who talked to me about it this weekend knew of several places in Texas where he couldn’t get in. The first was in Weatherford, where there was a huge line of immigrants getting their driver’s licenses. They had set up a tent and a table outside the main entrance of the DMV to register them as voters. That was all. The signs were in Spanish. It was an obvious Democrat operation in this election,” he said. The second was in Fort Worth. Same line, same Democrats before that. And the third was in North Fort Worth, where there were no lines, but the same voter registration drive trying to get illegal immigrants to get driver’s licenses so they would have ID,” Bartiromo said, and her guest agreed.

The issue of immigrant voting rights has long preoccupied Republican voters and lawmakers. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (R) wrote on Monday: “For years I have warned about the risks posed by illegal aliens in American elections. We must ensure at every level of government that only citizens cast their votes and thereby determine the direction of the country. I have focused the full power and force of my office on this issue and we will not stop until every available tool is exhausted. Know that if you register to vote illegally or help someone vote illegally, you will face the full legal consequences.”

In May, the Associated Press reported on the high number of illegal immigrants on the voter rolls, writing: “Election administration experts say it is not only provable, but proven, that the number of noncitizens who vote in federal elections is vanishingly small.”

“To be clear, there have been cases over the years of non-citizens illegally registering and even voting. But the states have mechanisms to catch that. Ohio’s Secretary of State Frank LaRose “He recently found 137 suspected noncitizens on the state’s voter rolls – out of about 8 million voters – and he is taking steps to confirm and remove them, he announced last week,” the AP added.

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