
Oil opponents are not deterred by Harris’s turnaround on fracking and are spending heavily to boost her campaign

Oil opponents are not deterred by Harris’s turnaround on fracking and are spending heavily to boost her campaign

Environmental groups that support Harris support the electric car regulation and the phase-out of fossil fuels

(Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

A coalition of prominent climate nonprofits that have pushed for a ban on fracking at the state and federal levels is launching a massive advertising campaign in support of Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign.

The 501(c)(4) affiliates of the League of Conservation Voters, the Environmental Defense Fund, Climate Power Action and the Democratic-aligned PAC Future Forward launched a stunning $55 million advertising campaign in support of the Harris campaign, targeting swing states. The ads emphasize Harris’ support for green energy and her opposition to oil.

The large-scale ad campaign – which took center stage during a climate panel at the Democratic National Convention on Monday – suggests the climate movement is ready to rally behind Harris, even as her stance on climate-related issues remains in question. Harris in particular has backed away from her previous pledge to ban fracking in the month after she replaced President Joe Biden at the top of the Democratic ticket.

But the same groups that are launching this advertising campaign have made tougher action against fracking one of their top priorities.

The League of Conservation Voters, for example, has closely followed several federal bills on fracking, including an amendment by Senator Mike Braun (R-Indiana) that would prohibit agencies from issuing guidelines banning fracking. The group said that voting against the bill would be a “pro-environmental position” and highlighted every lawmaker’s vote on the bill.

The group also welcomed California regulations passed earlier this year that permanently ban fracking, supported a Maryland law banning fracking and opposed a federal bill blocking the Delaware River Basin Commission’s fracking ban.

In addition, the Environmental Defense Fund has stated that it has “never advocated for fracking” in response to its position that fracking is a “widespread reality.” The group has focused its efforts on pushing for more regulations on how fracking can be carried out.

And Climate Power has issued messaging guidelines highlighting former President Trump’s support for fracking as a potential electoral weakness that Democrats could exploit.

“The case against Trump is strong and impactful, particularly the statements emphasizing the threat fracking poses to drinking water and his close ties to companies that pollute the environment and harm vulnerable communities,” Climate Power said in a statement issued in June.

The group also accused fracking companies of “driving the climate crisis” and repeatedly argued that fracking could cause “serious health problems” while sharply criticizing Trump’s support for fracking.

“It suggests that (the Harris campaign) is in on the farce with the green movement,” Tom Pyle, president of the American Energy Alliance who led Trump’s energy transition team in 2016, said in an interview. “If they really want to ban fracking, why would they support a candidate who has changed her position from banning fracking to not banning it?”

“I’m sure there were some nods and gestures behind the scenes, because once again there is no distinction between the green political movement and the Democratic machine,” he continued.

“These organizations fear that if they don’t take action and try to help Kamala Harris, they will have to watch as President Trump works to dismantle all the terrible policies and regulations that the Biden-Harris administration has put in place.”

Overall, the League of Conservation Voters, the Environmental Defense Fund and Climate Power are among the most active groups pushing for extreme environmental policies in Washington, DC. According to financial records, the organizations have led public campaigns, participated in litigation to push green policies through the courts and spent millions of dollars lobbying Congress in recent years.

During the Biden-Harris administration, they have taken a particularly tough stance against new fossil fuel drilling and pipeline projects while pushing for the closure of existing fossil fuel plants and the full electrification of the economy. And they have become the most vocal supporters of the $739 billion Inflation Control Act, which provides billions of dollars to green energy interests.

These groups, along with others such as the Sierra Club, the Sunrise Movement and the Natural Resources Defense Council, are also rapidly increasing their donations to both Harris’ presidential campaign and lower-tier Democrats as the 2024 election approaches.

The organizations, which advocate for comprehensive fossil fuel shutdowns, taxpayer dollars for green energy and electric vehicle mandates in addition to fracking bans, have already spent more than $7 million this election cycle supporting individual Democratic candidates and political committees that support Democrats, according to the latest data released by the Free Washington Beacon.

“Vice President Harris will deliver,” Manish Bapna, president of the Natural Resources Defense Council, wrote in a recent blog post endorsing Harris. “There is no leader anywhere better prepared, more committed, and more adept at driving the climate action we need. In two decades of public service on the front lines of climate and justice progress, Kamala Harris has stood for the kind of future we must create.”

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