
New edition of “Saving KC” by Grinelle “Buzz” Desjarlais will be released with two endings on September 17, 2024

New edition of “Saving KC” by Grinelle “Buzz” Desjarlais will be released with two endings on September 17, 2024

Grinelle “Buzz” Desjarlais, author of Saving KC

Grinelle “Buzz” Desjarlais

Saving KC by Grinelle “Buzz” Desjarlais

Save KC

To celebrate the day, the book will be signed prior to publication and presented to attendees of the exclusive DPA Pre-Award Gifting Suite in Los Angeles.

In Saving KC, I explore the delicate balance between saving others and saving yourself – a journey many of us take every day.”

— Grinelle “Buzz” Desjarlais

LOS ANGELES, CA, USA, August 20, 2024 / — The remastered edition of Saving KC by Grinelle “Buzz” Desjarlais offers readers a unique experience by presenting two alternate endings, giving them the choice between a hopeful ending or a darker, thought-provoking one. Set against the backdrop of post-Vietnam America, this historical novel explores the complexities of addiction, recovery, and redemption. The book will be published on September 17, 2024 by Classic Day Publishing/Peanut Butter Publishing and is available on Amazon in print, e-book, and audiobook.

To celebrate the release, Desjarlais will appear as a guest of Books That Make You at the exclusive DPA Pre-Awards Gifting Suite in Los Angeles. His book signing and gift presentation will take place on Friday, September 13, 2024, at the Luxe Hotel, where he will sign copies of his book for celebrities and attendees of the star-studded Hollywood gifting party.

Saving KC examines the human condition through the lens of addiction and the search for personal redemption. Desjarlais, who comes from a long line of Native American artists, brings a deeply personal narrative to life, reflecting on his own experiences through fictional storytelling.

“In Saving KC, I explore the delicate balance between saving others and saving yourself – a journey many of us take every day,” says Grinelle “Buzz” Desjarlais.

Set at a time when America was grappling with the aftershocks of the Vietnam War, the historical novel tells the story of characters battling their demons and searching for redemption in a world that often seems unforgiving.

The new edition of Saving KC is groundbreaking in that it gives readers a choice in how the story ends. Desjarlais wanted to give his audience the opportunity to engage more deeply with the narrative by allowing them to determine the fate of the characters. This innovative approach to storytelling invites readers to reflect on the book’s themes and decide whether they prefer a story of hope or one that challenges them with a more realistic, if grimmer, conclusion.

“Life doesn’t always give us a choice about the outcome, but in literature we can imagine anything. When you write a book with two endings, the reader has the choice between comforting happiness or a shock of reality, whichever they prefer,” explains Elliott Wolf, president of Classic Day Publishing/Peanut Butter Publishing.

Saving KC is available on Amazon and other retailers. There will also be a print edition, an e-book, and an audiobook. The publisher is Classic Day Publishing, an imprint of Peanut Butter Press. The new edition with two endings will be available September 17, 2024.

ISBN print version: 978-1-59849-325-2
Price: $26.95

ISBN eBook: 978-1-59849-332-0
Price: $7.99

ISBN audiobook: 978-1-59849-375-7
Audiobook price: $24.99

About Classic Day Publishing and Peanut Butter Publishing

Classic Day Publishing is an imprint of Peanut Butter Publishing. For over 51 years, this independent publisher has been dedicated to producing high-quality literature that explores the depths of the human experience. Known for its commitment to writerly freedom and innovative storytelling, Classic Day Publishing offers books that challenge, inspire, and captivate readers of all genres. For more information, visit the Peanut Butter Publishing website.

About Grinnell “Buzz” Desjarlais

Grinnell “Buzz” Desjarlais is the author of Saving KC, a historical novel that explores themes of addiction, recovery, and redemption against the backdrop of post-Vietnam America. Born on the Rocky Boy’s Indian Reservation in Montana, Buzz is deeply connected to his Native American heritage. He is also an activist and co-founder of the NATIVE Project, which provides comprehensive assistance to Native American communities. Buzz’s diverse life experiences, including his service in the U.S. Army and his commitment to supporting Native American youth, shape his powerful storytelling. He now lives with his family near Seattle.

For more information, visit Saving KC the Story online.

Desiree Duffy
Black Castle
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