
Generation Z buys their dogs birthday presents

Generation Z buys their dogs birthday presents

According to a survey, just over half of Generation Z dog owners spoil their four-legged friends with birthday presents.

52% of Generation Z buys their dogs birthday presents every year – more than any other generation.

The survey was commissioned by The Pets Table and conducted online by Talker Research. 2,000 dog owners were interviewed between July 5 and 9, 2024.

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Respondents were asked how they like to spoil their dog, and overall two out of five answered that they like to buy their dog presents for their birthday.

Some owners even go one step further and throw a real birthday party for their furry friends.

Generation Z buys their dogs gifts
Generation Z buys their dogs birthday presents

Photo illustration by Newsweek

Three out of five owners enjoy pampering their dog with premium food and treats (62%), clothing (21%) and luxury grooming services (20%).

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One owner said they spoil their dog with “walks and ice cream.”

“I keep telling him he’s a baby,” said another as a “proof of love.”

Others were against spoiling their dogs. One respondent said he “didn’t feel like I was spoiling him.”

Another survey question asked respondents what the maximum amount of money they would “squander” on their dog.

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On average, dog owners spend $612.10 annually on things like their dog; one in seven even buys their pet more than $1,000 in gifts in a year.

The trend for high-quality pet products has spread to other companies: Dolce & Gabbana has even launched a new alcohol-free perfume for dogs in Italy, priced at $108 for a 108-ounce bottle.

Dogs are so important to their owners that some would rather give up “everything” than decide to save on their dog’s expenses.

One owner said he would rather cut back on “my extra pleasures” than reduce spending on his dog.

“I would do anything for my dog. If necessary, I would even forgo food,” said another.

One pet owner said, “I don’t spend a lot of money on clothes, but if I had to save, I wouldn’t need clothes next year.”

The survey also found that Generation Z members are most likely to put their dog in a stroller.

Many dogs enjoy being pushed in a stroller, and 53% of Generation Z respondents agreed that this was acceptable, compared to 39% of Millennials and 29% of Generation X.

Dogs are so highly valued that most owners consider them their children.

However, Millennials are the most convinced: 87% agreed, compared to 85% of Generation X and 83% of Generation Z.

Another result was that most owners allow their dog to sleep in their bed despite the dangers.

The older the generation, the more likely they are to allow dogs to bed: 71% of baby boomers would allow dogs into their bed, compared to only 65% ​​of Generation Z.

“Is it always a good idea to let your dog sleep in bed with you? No,” said Leigh Siegfried, a dog trainer in Philadelphia. Newsweek“It can be dysfunctional and undermine some dogs’ confidence in being alone or, worse, cause them to develop separation anxiety.”

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