
Aroma Coffee Co. Celebrates 4th Anniversary with Block Party: A Reflection on Community, Resilience and the Path to the Future

Aroma Coffee Co. Celebrates 4th Anniversary with Block Party: A Reflection on Community, Resilience and the Path to the Future

~Guest post by: Aroma Coffee Co. Co-Owner, Sara Cox

On Saturday, September 14thAroma Coffee Co. hosts an annual street party to celebrate our fourth anniversary. This year, we’re taking a moment to humbly reflect on the wild ride we’ve been on so far.

After 12 years of trying to bring Aroma to market, we were shocked to finally receive building permits just as COVID-19 reached its first deadly peak in 2020. Everything indicated that opening a restaurant now—when restaurants were closing in droves—was a futile endeavor.

Yet we were strangely determined to trust that this dream could become a reality. We realized that in many ways, there was no better time to open a business designed to encourage togetherness and connection than during a pandemic that led to widespread isolation. Having a place where lonely neighbors could safely gather on porches and in our large backyard was a saving grace for many of us during these dark months.

As we turned one year old in 2021, the world was slowly starting to emerge from the pandemic, and we were overwhelmed with gratitude for the amazing way the community had rallied around us during our first year. For any business, the first few months are the most volatile and fragile, yet we were showered with support.

From the moment we opened our doors to today, we have felt a most generous welcome, and the fact that we reached our first anniversary unscathed by many of the dangers faced by other businesses was not lost on us. The only appropriate response seemed to be to throw a party for the community to say “thank you.”

And the words of thanks have not stopped since then. The support has not waned; it has only grown, and we now consider many who were strangers four years ago to be true friends. It’s time for another party, another celebration, and another pause to express our gratitude!

Perhaps it’s appropriate that we do this as we grapple with another new challenge affecting not just Aroma but all small businesses in King County: legislation was just passed mandating a $4 per hour minimum wage increase in January. At a time when the cost of goods continues to rise, this unexpected increase in labor costs presents a sobering test for many businesses like Aroma that are trying to stay afloat without raising prices to unsustainable levels. We’re in a tough economic situation where most people are feeling financially stretched, and luxuries like coffee and food are being carefully considered.

As upsetting as this is, we are determined to face this obstacle with hope and creativity, keeping in mind what is most important: our mission to foster fulfilling lives for our community by providing a place to gather, a craft to enjoy, and an invitation to linger.

We hope you all feel welcome to do just that – gather, enjoy and linger – on Saturday, September 14th from 4:00pm to 7:00pm for our annual Birthday Party/Block Party. This event will include a greatly expanded version of the Farmers Market we have hosted all summer, live music, a beer and wine garden, drawings, prizes and more. Please come and let us honor and celebrate you – friends and family of the Snoqualmie Valley!

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