
Research paves the way for more precise treatment of Lyme disease

Research paves the way for more precise treatment of Lyme disease

International team led by Dr. Benjamin Luft decodes genome of 47 strains and develops web-based software for future studies

After years of research, an international team of scientists has deciphered the genetic makeup of 47 strains of known and potential Lyme disease pathogens. The work paves the way for more accurate diagnostic tests and targeted treatments against the many strains of Borrelia burgdorferithe cause of Lyme disease, which remains the most common tick-borne disease in the United States and Europe. The team’s findings were published in the journal mBio.

Hundreds of thousands of people contract Lyme disease each year. In the United States alone, the number of cases is nearly 500,000 per year. If the infection is left untreated, it can spread to the joints, heart and nervous system and cause more serious complications. The authors say that the number of cases of Lyme disease may continue to increase worldwide due to climate change and possibly other environmental factors. In addition, some of the Borrelia Species they genetically sequenced in this study that do not currently cause disease could be a genetic reservoir for the future evolution of these species.

“This is a groundbreaking study with not only new genetic insights, which analysed the genomes of 47 strains of Borreliait is a work that provides researchers with data and tools to better tailor treatment for all causes of Lyme disease and provides a framework for similar approaches against other infectious diseases caused by pathogens,” said Benjamin Luft, MD, the Edmund D. Pellegrino Professor of Medicine at the Renaissance School of Medicine at Stony Brook University and an internationally recognized expert in the study and treatment of Lyme disease. Stony Brook Medicine has a clinic dedicated to the treatment of Lyme disease and all tick-borne infections, and is home to the Regional Resource Center for Tick-Borne Diseases.

The research team included researchers from more than a dozen research institutions around the world. Together, they sequenced the complete genomes of Lyme disease bacteria representing all 23 known species of the group, most of which had not been sequenced before this effort. The sequencing included several strains of the bacteria most commonly associated with human infection, as well as species not previously known to cause disease in humans.

Research paves the way for more precise treatment of Lyme disease
An international team of researchers sequenced the genomes of many species of Borreliathe pathogen that causes Lyme disease. By comparing these genomes, the researchers reconstructed the evolutionary history of the Lyme disease bacteria. The map shows many of the regions around the world where the team sequenced a species. Borrelia burgdorferithe most common cause of disease, is marked in red. Other species are marked in other colors. Image credit: Image created by Saymon Akther

By comparing these genomes, the researchers reconstructed the evolutionary history of the Lyme disease bacteria and traced their origins back millions of years. They discovered that the bacteria probably originated before the breakup of the ancient continent of Pangaea, which explains their current global distribution.

The study also showed how these bacteria exchange genetic material within and between species. This process, called recombination, allows the bacteria to evolve rapidly and adapt to new environments. The researchers identified certain hotspots in the bacterial genome where this genetic exchange occurs most frequently. These are often genes that help the bacteria interact with their tick vectors and animal hosts.

“By understanding how these bacteria evolve and exchange genetic material, we can better predict and respond to changes in their behavior, including potential shifts in their ability to cause disease in humans,” explains Weigang Qiu, lead author and professor of biology at the City University of New York.

To facilitate ongoing research, the team has developed web-based software tools (, which enable scientists to Borrelia genomes and identify determinants of human pathogenicity.

Future collaborative research by the international team includes a plan to extend genome analysis to additional strains of Lyme disease bacteria, particularly from understudied regions. They will also investigate the specific functions of genes unique to pathogenic strains, which could reveal new targets for therapeutic intervention.

The research leading to this published work was funded primarily by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the National Institutes of Health. The research was also supported by the Steve and Alexandra Cohen Foundation.

A total of 20 authors, including Dr. Luft, are listed on the paper. Lead collaborators and co-authors include Sherwood Casjens, University of Utah School of Medicine; Weigang Qiu, City University of New York; Steven Schutzer, Rutgers New Jersey Medical School; Claire Fraser and Emmanuel Mongodin, University of Maryland School of Medicine; and Richard G. Morgan, New England BioLabs.

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