
According to an expert, these are the best meal times to protect your gut health

According to an expert, these are the best meal times to protect your gut health

In recent years we have learned more and more about how important good gut health is to our overall health.

We now know that gut health is linked to stress, fatigue and loss of productivity.

When it comes to food, a varied diet is absolutely essential. However, it turns out that When It is equally important that we eat a varied diet. General practitioner Dr. Zoe Williams points out that your daily routine plays a major role in gut health.

When is the best time to eat to protect gut health?

Dr Williams said protecting gut health starts right at the start of the day. She said: “When you wake up, say at 7am on a weekday, get into the habit of drinking a large glass of water. Maybe put the glass next to your toothbrush so you don’t forget it.”

Adequate fluid intake supports intestinal function and promotes digestion by breaking down food so that the body can absorb the nutrients. If you drink water first thing in the morning, you’ll start the day off right!

For breakfast, Dr. Williams recommends fermented yogurt. She said, “(Yogurt) is a great choice for breakfast. It contains calcium, which helps support a healthy gut.”

Yogurt is an easy food to eat first thing in the morning, especially if you have a busy morning routine or are not a morning person who puts too much thought into breakfast.

As for lunch, Dr. Williams recommends using this time to eat fiber and foods like whole grains and legumes, as they are light and protect gut health for the rest of the day.

Dr Williams added: “Regular meals provide us with the energy and nutrients we need to lead an active lifestyle. Studies suggest that a good sleep schedule can also promote gut health, so try to go to bed at a time that allows you to get a full 7-8 hours of sleep.”

She added that eating 2-3 hours before bedtime gives the body enough time to properly process the food.

Basically, a healthy routine with a balanced diet helps your gut stay in balance.

Dr. Zoe Williams partners with Activia, the gut health yogurt brand*, to educate consumers about the role of the gut as part of our overall wellbeing.


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