
Asmongold describes his visit to the emergency room while streamer promises to improve his diet

Asmongold describes his visit to the emergency room while streamer promises to improve his diet

Asmongold opened up to viewers, sharing some of his recent health struggles and vowing to get better through better nutrition.

“I’ve had really bad stress issues before,” Asmongold said, admitting that his method of dealing with stress was to “ignore it” and carry on “no matter what.” This time, however, was different.

Asmon openly revealed on camera that he recently went to the emergency room after ending one of his Twitch streams early because he was feeling “unwell.”

Specifically, the streamer felt a “discomfort” in his chest, after which he had an electrocardiogram (ECG) performed. While the results showed that everything was “okay”, Asmon was diagnosed with “very high” blood pressure.

To address his health issues, the streamer had to “drastically reduce his stress,” which resulted in fewer streams while he worked to get his blood pressure back down from over 170.

His other methods included “daily” exercise and dietary changes: “I ordered protein bars and now we drink water between sodas.”

Asmongold hoped that by changing his diet and fluid intake he would be able to stop taking medication.

“In my opinion, people who take medication die,” the streamer said, calling the idea “terrifying” but determined to “overcome” the problem. “I believe the human body is made to last, it’s made to endure, and I’m 34.”

Asmongold had already started implementing the changes a few days before his open stream and said he had already noticed a “tremendous” drop in his blood pressure levels.

“I see myself feeling sick or not perfect and that disgusts me,” Asmon admitted, explaining that he was “never” sick during his childhood and was always able to “get through anything.” For this reason, it made him “very insecure” when he wasn’t feeling well.

This is not the first time Asmongold has faced health issues, with viewers insisting that the solution for the streamer would be to “stop drinking sugar” and “replace soda with water.”

“His lifestyle is 100% catching up with him and the sooner he realizes he needs to give up some of his vices, the better his future will be,” one person commented.

Another agreed, writing, “Asmon always criticizes obese people for lacking self-control, but he refuses to stop drinking soda even when it’s literally killing him. Being thin doesn’t mean being healthy. He has the same vices as the people he condemns, but it’s not as visually obvious.”

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