Marvel superheroes Ghost Rider and Daredevil, who each had their share of film and television adaptations, may have been among the many who appeared in Deadpool and Wolverine. While the third film in the Deadpool franchise featured a number of cameos from previous Marvel films, there were clearly too many to use, denying fans an even larger cast of returning characters from past Marvel films.
According to a social media post by Rodney Fuentebella, aka @rodneyimages, on Instagram, Ghost Rider and Daredevil were originally supposed to appear alongside Deadpool, Wolverine and other superheroes clashing in the biggest MCU movie in years. The early concept art shared may be just another “what could have been” teaser, but it reveals exactly how many cameos were considered for the film.
Deadpool and Wolverine
A sequel to the hugely successful Deadpool and Deadpool 2 films, starring Ryan Reynolds as the Merc with a Mouth, the third film will be the first in the series to be developed under the Marvel Studios banner following Disney’s acquisition of 20th Century Fox.
- Release date
- July 26, 2024
The numerous cameos in Deadpool and Wolverine are just one of the reasons the film was so successful. Director Shawn Levy and stars Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman hyped up the number of cameos for months, and most fans were happy with the ones that were in the finished film. While Ghost Rider and Daredevil aren’t the only ones missing, their appearance – especially if they were played by Nicolas Cage and Ben Affleck, respectively – would have been a bonus for audiences. For many critics, however, the film was already teetering on the edge of fan service, and the addition of these two prominent Marvel characters could have tipped the scales in the wrong direction.
Ghost Rider and Daredevil have been adapted several times
Ghost Rider first appeared on screen in the 2007 Nicolas Cage film and its 2011 sequel. Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance. Critics hated both films, and although they also didn’t do well at the box office, the films have a strong cult following, largely due to the inclusion of Cage in the title role. The character has since also appeared in the television series Agents of SHIELD, played by Gabriel Luna. Although there have been several rumors that Keanu Reeves was in consideration for the role in the MCU, this always seemed to be more of a fan dream – as well as Reeves’ own dream role – and so far no casting has been set for a future Ghost Rider.
Daredevil’s adventures on the big screen did not fare any better in his only film appearance. In 2003 Ghost RiderMark Steven Johnson directed Ben Affleck as Daredevil, which received mixed reviews and a largely lackluster response at the box office. While an R-rated version brought some positive reviews back to the reviews, the film’s only successor remains the spin-off film Electrain which Jennifer Garner reprised her role in the 2005 box office flop.
Ryan Reynolds reacts to “It Ends With Us” and dethrones the Deadpool sequel at the box office
Ryan Reynolds’ “Deadpool & Wolverine” and Blake Lively’s “It Ends With Us” were quite successful at the box office.
Garner’s Elektra was one of the stars who Deadpool and Wolverine, and it would have been interesting to see her reunited with Affleck’s Daredevil. While that didn’t happen, fans will see their favorite Daredevil star, Charlie Cox, back in the role in the new Disney+ series Daredevil: Reborn sometime in 2025.
Deadpool and Wolverine
is still only shown in cinemas.