
Friends of the Coronado Library Supports Renovation of the Library’s Winn Room – Option 4

Friends of the Coronado Library Supports Renovation of the Library’s Winn Room – Option 4

Submitted by Friends of the Coronado Library

The Coronado City Council will discuss the fate of the Winn Room renovation during the council meeting on Tuesday, August 20. The council meeting begins at 4 p.m. in the council chambers, 1825 Strand Way.

Please attend the August 20th meeting and let the City Council and the Coronado community know that you support the City in adopting a plan to renovate the (50 year old) Winn Room, which will provide the library and our community with a state-of-the-art civic engagement and events center that will effectively meet the needs of our community for decades to come. The FOL Board has endorsed Option 4 (see below) as the best option to achieve these goals.

Email the Mayor, City Council members and City Manager directly to share your thoughts on the Winn Room:

Mayor Richard Bailey: (email protected)
Council Member Mike Donovan: (email protected)
Council Member Carrie Downey (Subcommittee Member) (email protected)
Council Member John Duncan: (email protected)
Council Member Casey Tanaka (Subcommittee Member): (email protected)
City Manager Tina Friend: (email protected)
President of the Coronado Library Board of Trustees, Julie Webb, supervised by Elizabeth Skelly,
Coronado Library: (email protected)
Coronado Library Director Shaun Briley: (email protected)

Your attendance at this meeting is critical to express your support for your library.
Meaning. The more votes for Option 4 – especially votes that are new to this area –
Discussion – the greater the positive impact on the Council.

If you haven’t yet voted in favor of Winn Room Option 4, this may be your last chance to do so! Copies of the meeting schedules are available at

On behalf of the Friends of the Coronado Library

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