
Nigel McGuinness: My lassos and Bryan Danielson’s neck don’t fit well together

Nigel McGuinness: My lassos and Bryan Danielson’s neck don’t fit well together

Nigel McGuinness talks about a possible return to the ring.

There has been a lot of talk over the past year about a possible return to the ring for the AEW announcer, and a potential match with Bryan Danielson has long been desired by fans and Nigel alike.

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While speaking to The Daily Star ahead of AEW All In, Nigel was asked if his return to the ring was imminent.

“No, I wouldn’t say it looks more likely. I’m definitely ring ready. I get in the ring every week now, sometimes twice a week. I’ve been in the gym and eating right to get my body back in shape physically. I’m doing everything else you need to do to be ring ready, in terms of flexibility, etc. BUT my meat and veggies, my bread is buttered with commentary, I don’t want to deviate from that. Other than that, if the right opportunity to fight comes along, then by all means. Of course, to finally shut up that clam digger and finally prove after all these years that I’m the better wrestler and that he got what he has just by pure chance, pure luck, not hard work and dedication. It would be wonderful. Last year it certainly didn’t happen because he broke his arm. Even though he had 205 bones that were perfectly fine, he decided that was a reason. Then this year he won this contest and out of pity they gave him a fight just to send him out into the dark unknown once again. So, this year it’s not going to happen for sure, but I don’t think it ever will because he’s scared of me. Have you seen my lassos? Have you seen his neck? Those two things don’t go well together.”

McGuinness is expected to appear at Wembley Stadium next weekend as part of the announce team for AEW All In.

In another interview, Nigel spoke about ending his career on his own. You can read more about it here.

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