
Latest news on negotiations at United Airlines – International Brotherhood of Teamsters

Latest news on negotiations at United Airlines – International Brotherhood of Teamsters

UAL negotiations day 1-9

Teamsters end first round of collective bargaining in Chicago

When negotiations with United Airlines began in Chicago on August 8, the Teamsters made significant progress toward a new, compelling contract. All of the proposals in the union’s first non-economic offer were presented to the company.

“This is my first round of negotiations and I look forward to getting a record deal done as smoothly and quickly as possible,” said Jimmy Sligar, a member of the bargaining committee for Teamsters Local 19 in Houston. “The union has a great committee and we have presented the company with some really strong proposals.”

Preliminary agreement reached on tool insurance
In the first round of negotiations, the United Airlines Teamsters National Committee reached an initial tentative agreement in which the company agreed to increase the tool insurance limit from $10,000 to $25,000.

During the Chicago meeting, several subcommittees were formed. One subcommittee will deal with issues related to Article 18 on union security and representation, Article 19 on grievance procedures and Article 20 on the arbitration tribunal.

“We are working more aggressively and transparently than ever before to ensure that United Airlines hears directly from our members at every step of these negotiations,” said Clacy Griswold, chair of the United Airlines Teamsters national bargaining committee. “The majority of the union’s entire committee is made up of rank-and-file engineers. All of the proposals we put on the table and fight for come from the members. Together, with a united front, we have the power to take on this company and win a major victory.”

Security protocols need to be improved
The Teamsters are demanding that United Airlines take serious action on all issues, including changes to Article 7K. The union is calling on the company to follow government agency guidelines regarding curfews and other safety protocols during a natural disaster. The urgency of this issue was particularly evident after United Airlines attempted to force Local 19 members to work in Houston during Hurricane Beryl.

“To date, United has failed to respond seriously to emergency preparedness. If United Airlines believes they can delay the problem by being stubborn, they will be in for a rude awakening,” Griswold said. “Throughout this process, we will not let up in protecting the safety and health of our members.”

The Teamsters and United Airlines will resume negotiations in Denver on August 20-22.

“It is important for the 10,000 Teamster technicians at United Airlines to know that a new day has dawned and we are taking a more combative and organized approach to negotiations,” said Dexter Thomas, a Teamster on the bargaining committee and Local 19 clerk. “We have heard our members’ concerns and will fight to make meaningful progress for all members every time we come to the bargaining table. It is important that all Teamsters at United join and continue to join this campaign at their locations. In this fight for a historic agreement, solidarity will make all the difference.”

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