
The election and the “big lie”

The election and the “big lie”

Our little lambs (our children) ask: “Do you hear what I hear? Do you see what I see?”

Are you hearing the “big lie” about the 2020 presidential election?

This lie is still being repeated, even though more than 50 state and federal judges have rejected allegations of election fraud by the former president and his associates.

This lie is responsible for the attack on our capital on 06.01.21.

Do you hear the lies about man-made climate change? Such lies are dangerous to the health and well-being of all life on this planet, especially that of our children and future generations.

Do you hear the lies about the safety of our health care system if we allowed it to be privatized?

This would leave people who rely on Medicare and Medicaid at the mercy of greedy corporations who care more about their own profits than about people.

Do you believe that the Earth’s vast ice sheets and glaciers are melting at a rate unprecedented in human history?

Rising sea levels are already threatening coastal areas.

Have you noticed that major storms are becoming more frequent and more severe, causing immeasurable material damage and human suffering?

Do you see the increasing human suffering and deaths caused by persistent and increasingly severe heat waves?

If not, then you are probably not paying attention or getting your news from unreliable sources.

It is your moral and civic duty to be better informed.

And when you hear and see what our children see and hear, vote accordingly.

Vote for candidates who do not deny their mistakes.

Vote for candidates who put your health and well-being above their own political careers, their party affiliation, and the narrow interests of their major donors.

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