
Bulgarians will eat cheaper eggs, bread and chicken

Bulgarians will eat cheaper eggs, bread and chicken

Eggs are among the agricultural products whose price per producer fell the most in the second quarter – by 22.7 percent. This is according to data from the Bulgarian Agricultural Statistics Office published on Thursday. The most common eggs on the Bulgarian market come from caged hens, and during special offers their price drops to 35 cents, “” reported.

The other product that is cheaper is bread wheat – by 15.5%, and the third is chicken meat – by 8.1%. The comparison refers to the first quarter. A reduction in the price of eggs by more than 22% does not necessarily automatically mean the same size and final prices in stores, but in any case it is a prerequisite that they will also become cheaper. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, a decrease in production was recorded from the beginning of January to the end of June. Egg prices in Bulgaria are the highest in the entire EU. The reason for this is, on the one hand, the reduced production costs and, on the other hand, the increased import of eggs from Romania and Ukraine. Bulgaria basically has an import quota for Ukrainian eggs, but large poultry farms claim that it is exceeded by 400%, probably because Ukrainian eggs are disguised as Romanian or Polish. These products are about 30% cheaper than domestic ones, and a few days ago producers asked the Minister of Agriculture for a temporary import ban for 120 days. But at the same time, production prices for broiler chickens are falling and no one is claiming that there are cheap imported products.

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