
New Lebanon School Garden Club: Lots of green thumbs

New Lebanon School Garden Club: Lots of green thumbs

The New Lebanon School garden is weeded, seeded, watered and ready for new green thumbs when the school year begins at the end of the month!

In an effort organized by New Leb’s Garden Club school coordinators Liz Rutledge and Beth Pierson, over 35 families from across the school community came together to weed, plant seeds, paint row markers, and build protective fencing. The group celebrated with juice boxes and delicious pizza from Constantino’s.

New Leb’s garden beds were funded several years ago by a generous donation from the Greenwich Alliance for Education. Although gardening plays a large role in the 2nd grade curriculum, it was important to the PTA to give more students access to hands-on learning experiences in the beautiful outdoor space.

Over the course of this past spring, Liz and Beth developed and implemented a six-week after-school gardening program for 20 students in grades K-3.

Liz Rutledge and Beth Pierson, New Lebanon School after-school garden club coordinators. Photos courtesy of Kristen Mulhearn and Ariana Kuehne

Garden cleanup at New Lebanon School. Photos courtesy of Kristen Mulhearn and Ariana Kuehne

The garden cleanup also included planting vegetables that can tolerate cooler temperatures. The goal is to have lettuce, kale, beets, cabbage, carrots and beans for students to harvest and sample in the fall. The after-school gardening program is planned to return in the fall, but the long-term sustainability of the program is not guaranteed.

As anyone with their own garden knows, growing fruits and vegetables requires a lot of time, energy and attention. When you add exciting educational activities to the mix, it can be a full-time job.

The garden club would like to thank Julie DesChamps of Waste Free Greenwich, who donated five bags of compost for the campaign.

If you would like to support this ongoing effort to get kids outside, promote conservation of the planet, and get them excited about trying new foods, please consider donating to the New Lebanon PTA.

Garden cleanup at New Lebanon School. Photos courtesy of Kristen Mulhearn and Ariana Kuehne

Garden cleanup at New Lebanon School. Photos courtesy of Kristen Mulhearn and Ariana Kuehne

Garden cleanup at New Lebanon School. Photos courtesy of Kristen Mulhearn and Ariana Kuehne

Garden cleanup at New Lebanon School. Photos courtesy of Kristen Mulhearn and Ariana Kuehne

Garden cleanup at New Lebanon School. Photos courtesy of Kristen Mulhearn and Ariana Kuehne

Garden cleanup at New Lebanon School. Photos courtesy of Kristen Mulhearn and Ariana Kuehne

Garden cleanup at New Lebanon School. Photos courtesy of Kristen Mulhearn and Ariana Kuehne

Garden cleanup at New Lebanon School. Photos courtesy of Kristen Mulhearn and Ariana Kuehne

Garden cleanup at New Lebanon School. Photos courtesy of Kristen Mulhearn and Ariana Kuehne

Garden cleanup at New Lebanon School. Photos courtesy of Kristen Mulhearn and Ariana Kuehne

Garden cleanup at New Lebanon School. Photos courtesy of Kristen Mulhearn and Ariana Kuehne

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