
Jeff Jarrett remembers the reaction of the TNA locker room to the arrival of Scott Hall and Kevin Nash

Jeff Jarrett remembers the reaction of the TNA locker room to the arrival of Scott Hall and Kevin Nash

On the latest episode of My World With Jeff Jarrett, the WWE Hall of Famer talked about how TNA Wrestling signed Kevin Nash and Scott Hall in 2004, the locker room reaction, his friendship with Nash, and more. Check out some highlights below:

On the reaction of the TNA locker room to the arrival of Hall and Nash: “When I look at an AJ Styles or a Chris Daniels or a Chris Harris or a James Storm or Eric Young or Bobby Roode — when I look at those guys’ faces. And they’re up at Club Jarrett, and then we go to work the next day, and they’re busting their asses. From the bottom of my heart, I wanted them to succeed. But I also knew damn well that they were all frustrated. ‘Wait a minute, you bring Hall and Nash here and they don’t have to take that much? And I know they make more money than me.’ Yeah, that was — you said explosive, that’s a good word. That was just, I always said it’s just a pressure cooker.”

About his relationship with Nash: “It goes without saying when you get into the guy – and I don’t mean get into him. But Kevin came to the WWF in 1993, I think. I got there in late ’93, but in ’94, Kevin and I traveled a lot together, and that’s how far back we go. And I think it gives a much deeper understanding of our relationship, the ups and downs and everything. I think the very first conversation I can remember having with Kevin was about the show. Friends. I was in an aisle seat in economy and Kevin was in an aisle seat in economy. I think that’s a pretty good starting point, that’s where we both were in our careers before he became champion and before he became first. But we traveled a lot, shared rooms and trained together… Kevin was my mentor in the gym as far as training went. Him and of course Scott… they were mentors to me in a lot of ways, let’s call it the WWF way of doing things at the time.”

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