
The Shropshire Way; 200 miles on 200 Polaroids

The Shropshire Way; 200 miles on 200 Polaroids

In September, Jake and Wilson set off on an epic camping adventure to capture the beautiful Shropshire Way on 200 Polaroids.

The Shropshire Way; 200 miles on 200 Polaroids

There was supposed to be a video of this – but it was too windy the day I filmed, and when I tried to film at home, the dog decided the fluffy microphone head would be a good toy and threw it in his water… So maybe a video will appear, maybe not! We’ll see!


Hi, I’m Jake. This September I’m setting off on an adventure that I’ve had in mind since day one of exploring the surrounding mountains. I’ll be hiking and camping the 200-mile Shropshire Way in Shropshire, UK, with my faithful dog Wilson by my side. Using my beloved Polaroid camera, I’ll be taking 200 pictures that tell the story of this stunning landscape and the people I meet along the way.

The vision:

Life has been challenging for me lately. I lost my job in December last year and around the same time my relationship ended. These events have taken a huge toll on my mental health and I’m struggling to find direction and purpose. I’m so tired of trying to fit into societal norms and the 9-to-5 job. Instead, I want to pursue projects that ignite my passion and creativity.

This adventure is not about achieving fame or fortune; it is about healing, finding myself, and doing something that is deeply meaningful to me. I want to share this journey with you and hope it resonates and inspires others facing similar issues. I hope this will be the first of many.

The project:

During my trip I will create a “timeless” photo book with:

200 Polaroid images: Each mile will be documented with a unique Polaroid photo capturing the essence of the Shropshire Hills Area of ​​​​Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), the iconic Shropshire Way signs and the fascinating people I meet.

Personal reflections: I share my thoughts, feelings and motivation behind this project, giving an intimate insight into my journey.

Historical Insights: Discover the rich history of the Shropshire Way and its surrounding areas, bringing the past to life through captivating stories.

In addition to the photo book, I plan to blog and vlog during the two-week adventure to ensure I have enough content to share the experience with you in real time.

Why I need your support:

This project means the world to me but I can’t do it alone. Your support will help cover the cost of film, camping equipment, travel expenses and publishing the book. With your help I can make this dream come true and share the beauty of Shropshire with the world. I estimate I’ll need around 500 Polaroids in total.

Rewards for supporters:

To show my sincere appreciation, I will offer each supporter at least one of the images I take on my journey – along with a heartfelt thank you letter. As a thank you, I will also include each supporter’s name in the book.

Join me on this journey:

This project is a labour of love. It is driven by my desire to break out of the mundane and live a life of creativity, discovery and genuine human connection. I invite you to join me on this adventure and be part of something truly special. Together we can capture and preserve the timeless beauty of Shropshire, one Polaroid at a time.

Both mine and Wilson’s IG account if you got far enough! 😀

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support!

Risks and challenges

As with any long walk, numerous problems can arise. The weather could get worse, Wilson could decide that walking 8 hours a day is not his idea of ​​fun (it is! Trust me!). I could decide the same. For this reason, I am considering stopping at a campsite every few days just to give the dog and I a proper rest. We also know a few people who live along part of the route, so we might even stop at their place for a good night’s sleep in a comfortable bed. Another risk is the fact that Polaroids can be fragile, and leaving them in my backpack for days on end would not be ideal. I am still working out the details for this dilemma – again, I may ask a few people I know who live on or near the trail and drop off the film for them and pick it up as we go. Or, since there is a lot of through-hiking, I may ship my film back home little by little. Once we finish the hike, of course, the next step is to compile and print the book. This too brings its own challenges. But I’m also currently working on another book about the Ironbridge area, so I have a potential publisher in mind, so fingers crossed that once the curation is complete we can get it to print as soon as possible.

Learn more about accountability at Kickstarter

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