
Neil Cavuto confronts RFK Jr. over dead bear scandal

Neil Cavuto confronts RFK Jr. over dead bear scandal

Fox News presenter Neil Cavuto confronted Robert F. Kennedy Jr. because of his recent scandal in which he admitted to dumping a dead bear in Central Park many years ago.

Last week, Kennedy released a video recounting how he abandoned a dead bear in New York City’s Central Park nearly a decade ago after finding the dead animal on the street. Kennedy reportedly left the bear in the park because he didn’t have time to drive home because of a plane he had to catch.

Cavuto noted in his interview with the third-party candidate on Friday that the latest incident could further deter some voters from supporting him because he is “kind of weird.”

CAVUTO: We have this bear story where, as far as I know, you took a bear and put it in Central Park. I still don’t understand it. To a lot of normal people, it’s just weird. Robert. And I wonder how that’s supposed to help you?

KENNEDY: Do I think the bear story helps me? No, I don’t think the bear story helps me. I think that’s the kind of story that the media wants to focus on. Issues that have helped me in this campaign and in media coverage. I mean, the issues that I want to talk about are why our kids can’t afford homes. Why we have worse inflation now than we had in my lifetime? Our addiction to war. The fact that 60% of the kids in this country have chronic diseases, and the polarization and division in this country that is tearing our country apart. And those are the issues that I – and this corrupt fusion of government and corporate power – have fought against all my life. And those are the issues that I would rather talk about than my troubled personal life. But of course the media doesn’t want to talk about those issues.

Watch the clip above via Fox News.

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