
How to unlock room 1665 in the Vampire Survivors level

How to unlock room 1665 in the Vampire Survivors level

The Darkasso update for Vampire Survivors Added a level with room 1665 which you must survive to get the new Darkasso relic and Darkanas. However, once unlocked it becomes quite difficult to complete. Here’s how to get through it.

How do I unlock the challenge level “Room 1665” in Vampire Survivors?

Poncle actually revealed exactly how to get to room 1665 in the Vampire Survivors Darkasso 1.11.1 patch notes on Steam. It’s as simple as entering the code “forbiddenbox” in the Secrets menu. When you do that, it will immediately appear in the list of available levels in the main mode.

However, if you have not yet unlocked the Secrets menu in Vampire Survivorsit will take a while before you can complete Room 1665. To do this, you will need to acquire the Forbidden Scrolls relic of Morbane. You will only receive this after completing another challenge stage called the Bone Zone. However, to do this, you will first need to unlock Hyper Mode for three of the existing stages in the base game.

Actually accessing Hyper Mode for a stage isn’t too difficult if you’ve played Vampire Survivors for a while. All you have to do is essentially beat the level by surviving it for 30 minutes. This means facing its final boss and essentially staying there afterward until death claims you. The four possible level options to unlock are Level 1: Mad Forest, Level 2: Inlaid Library, Level 3: Dairy Plant, Level 4: Gallo Tower. Since I went in order at the beginning, I had Bone Zone after going through Mad Forest, Inlaid Library, and Dairy Plant.

Secrets appear in the main menu after you get Forbidden Scrolls from Morbane in the Bone Zone. You can enter the code “forbiddenbox” as a “spell”. After entering, you will immediately enter the stage as a character.

How does room 1665 work in Vampire Survivors?

Once you’re in room 1665, you’ll be trapped in a single room. You can’t immediately select an Arcana when you have access to it. The map shows that there are Arcana boxes ahead of you, but you’re locked inside and can’t reach them at first. Your goal, as always, is to survive for 30 minutes. At certain intervals, doors between rooms will open, and in the hall there are some towers you can destroy to get healing chickens, coins, and other items. Once you’ve unlocked two or more rooms, I recommend going back and forth between them to gain more distance from the growing horde of enemies. You can be revived if you fall in battle, but only once.

Since this is a challenging level where you have to survive hordes in small spaces, I recommend picking up weapons and items that can boost health. When I entered the code to unlock the level, I had Miang Moonspell from the Legacy of the Moonspell DLC. She starts with the Silver Wind weapon, which deals damage and heals. I grabbed the Pummarola as soon as I could so I could get this Festive Winds evolution. Combining it with the Sarabande of Healing Arcana will be very helpful!

My other tip is to get lots of weapons with long range or AOE option. The Runetracer and armor combo for No Future is fantastic. Taking a Duplicator even if you don’t also get a Lightning Ring for Thunder Loop or Summon Night for Echo Night is a great idea if you get other projectile weapons. I would also take the King Bible and Spellbinder for Holy Vespers or Pentagram and Crown for Gorgeous Moon. They will all help you deal with any enemies you face.

Vampire Survivors is now available on Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, PC, and mobile. The Darkasso 1.11.1 update went live on August 15, 2024. The PS4 and PS5 versions will be released on August 29, 2024.

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