
Around the city (photos) – The Current

Around the city (photos) – The Current

Book BattleBook Battle

TOP READERS — The Butterfield Library High School Battle of the Books team took third place behind LaGrange and Kinderhook at the Mid-Hudson Library System tournament in Pawling on Aug. 10. The team met during the spring and summer to discuss five books selected by librarians and practice answering trivia questions. Pictured, from left, are Leo O’Neil, Silvia Hardman, Jupiter Hutchison, Tanya Syan and Emma Cavanaugh. (Photo provided)

Around the city (photos) – The CurrentAround the city (photos) – The Current

BOOK SALES — The Friends of the Desmond Fish Library in Garrison are holding their annual used book and media sale starting Friday evening (Aug. 23) for members and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. for the public. Co-organizer Rosalie Emerson Mewhinney, pictured here, points out that this year’s event includes 4,000 CDs of classical music and opera from the collection of the late Gordon Stewart, founder of The current. There will also be 2,000 art and coffee table books and, as usual, thousands of other titles. Sales run until September 4. (Photo by Michael Turton)

Observing the starsObserving the stars

STAR PARTY — The Little Stony Point Citizen’s Association and the Mid-Hudson Astronomical Association hosted a sky-gazing party on August 10 in the parking lot of Canopus Beach in Fahnestock State Park, where people could catch a glimpse of the moon, the Ring Nebula and the Andromeda Galaxy, 10 million light-years away. (Photo by Ross Corsair)

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type: News

News: Based on facts either directly observed and verified by the reporter or reported and verified by knowledgeable sources.

Articles attributed to the “team” are written by the editor or a senior editor. This is usually because they are short articles based on a single source, such as a press release, or involve multiple contributors, such as a photo collection.

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