
Her sister was forbidden to speak to her nieces and nephews, so she made sure to give them a loud and unforgettable Christmas present » TwistedSifter

Her sister was forbidden to speak to her nieces and nephews, so she made sure to give them a loud and unforgettable Christmas present » TwistedSifter

Her sister was forbidden to speak to her nieces and nephews, so she made sure to give them a loud and unforgettable Christmas present » TwistedSifterHer sister was forbidden to speak to her nieces and nephews, so she made sure to give them a loud and unforgettable Christmas present » TwistedSifter

It is pitiful when small children become involved in family disputes.

But I admire the aunts and uncles who have big hearts and still take care of their nieces and nephews and do not let the children feel the burden of the situation.

In this story, a woman was forbidden to speak to her sister’s children.

Since she doesn’t know what they like, she gave them an unforgettable, albeit noisy, toy for Christmas.

Read the whole story and tell us if she’s being petty in any way.

My sister (31) doesn’t like me (27).

We’ve had problems for years and we don’t talk to each other.

However, she has three children and I always make it a point to give them birthday and Christmas presents because the problems she has with me have nothing to do with them.

Her sister didn’t want her to contact them.

However, earlier this year I spoke to the eldest (11 years old) on the phone after they got my number from other family members.

My sister found out and changed her number so I couldn’t contact her at all.

Her excuse was that I had “slandered” her (never said anything) and that I had not asked in text messages how the other two children (both babies) were doing.

I asked about it in telephone conversations, but of course there are no records of it.

With the exception of the eldest child, she was not close to them.

My sister’s other problem is that I don’t try to see her because she has banned me from her house and I rarely take her to visit other family members.

It’s all very complicated, but I’ve never met the youngest child and I’ve only seen the other baby (2) six times.

The eldest grew up with me. I took her to school regularly and even took her to Halloween events on trips and even paid for my sister’s ticket.

Nevertheless, she buys them presents for Christmas.

Christmas is just around the corner and of course I will get presents for the kids because that’s the right thing to do.

The oldest gets a gift card for his favorite game and the youngest gets a gift card (he is not even 1 year old yet).

And one of the children gets a noisy educational toy.

But the two-year-old child gets an incredibly loud, educational first words book, with batteries installed and spare batteries in case the book runs out.

There are a lot of buttons to press and it makes a lot of noise.

I mean, since I can’t see the kids and don’t know what they want or need, I probably can’t get anything else.

Uh oh! Lots of family drama here. Let’s see what other people have to say.

This user understands it perfectly.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevengeSource: Reddit/PettyRevenge

He calls his sister a narcissist.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevengeSource: Reddit/PettyRevenge

LOL! Noisy toys really do have a negative effect.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevengeSource: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Another petty but hilarious gift suggestion here.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevengeSource: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Here’s another gift idea, I think it’s cute.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevengeSource: Reddit/PettyRevenge

The noise will always remind them of you.


If you liked this post, check out this one about a guy who got revenge on his apartment owner by making his own rules about Christmas lights.

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