
Central’s Green appointed to NCAA committee

Central’s Green appointed to NCAA committee

PELLA – Andrew Green, institutional research director and professor of political science at Central College, was recently appointed to a term on the NCAA Division III Interpretation and Legislation Committee.

Green, who has served as one of Central’s faculty representatives for athletics since 2007, will serve in that role until January 2029.

Andreas Green
Andreas Green

According to the NCAA, the committee is responsible for interpreting Division III legislation and issuing official interpretations and educational materials as needed. The committee also reviews and refines proposed legislation, incorporates interpretations into Division III legislation, reviews Division III legislative issues to ensure that legislation continues to be appropriate and relevant in the Division III environment, and reviews and determines facts related to the international amateur sports investigation process.

The committee consists of 10 members plus a representative of the student athletes.

“As a political scientist, the opportunity to work with the interpretation of statutes and laws and to participate in legislative proposals and governance was very appealing to me,” Green said.

Recent court decisions have triggered dramatic changes in the NCAA’s structure and oversight responsibilities, significantly altering the landscape of college sports, particularly at the Division I level but also within Division III.

“I think it’s going to be really interesting to work with,” Green said. “There’s no doubt that development will continue at the Division III level.”

Green’s appointment continues Central’s tradition of service and leadership in the NCAA that dates back to former President Kenneth J. Weller, who authored the original Division III philosophy in the early 1980s.

“For me, this is a great opportunity to continue that legacy here at the college,” Green said.

The committee holds regular online meetings throughout the year and meets in person each September. Green recently completed an onboarding process and will attend his first meeting next month. It comes on top of Green’s already heavy workload at Central, but he sees it as an important and rewarding part of his job.

“I enjoy sports in general and the opportunity to interact with our student-athletes appealed to me back in 2007 when the opportunity to serve as (faculty representative for athletics) came up,” Green said. “I think our student-athletes have the opportunity on their teams to hone important skills that employers and graduate programs will be looking for when they leave Central. I see college sports as a real complement and an additional experience that helps develop those critical skills that they will need.”

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