
Miss Manners: Cocktail party host worried that refilling the cheese board will entice guests to stay longer than they should

Miss Manners: Cocktail party host worried that refilling the cheese board will entice guests to stay longer than they should

DEAR MISS MANNERS: How does the hostess handle the amount of food served at a cocktail reception? For example, if the cheese plate is reduced to a few appetizers, should the hostess constantly monitor it and refill it as needed (even as the “hour” approaches or has already passed)?

I certainly don’t want to seem stingy to guests, but the idea of ​​bringing more food seems to encourage lingering and drifting off until mealtime and beyond.

And what is an appropriate response to a guest’s question: “Are there any more cheese/crackers/dip…?” I was taught that as a guest I should not take the last piece of anything – crackers, nuts, candy or cheese. Is that outdated?

In my opinion, empty plates should be a sign that it’s time to say thank you and goodbye. But doesn’t it seem rude to leave the bowls and plates empty?

DEAR READER: Fill or clear away any empty containers. Miss Manners includes guests in this.

So if Uncle Larry is hanging around the dessert table hoping for something more, grab him and introduce him to every available guest in the next room before you move on.

At some point the table is empty, the guests notice and go home.

Please send your questions to Miss Manners via her website,; to your email, [email protected]; or by mail to Miss Manners, Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106.

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