
The wild story behind Tom Cruise’s Olympic stunt (and how it took over a year to pull off)

The wild story behind Tom Cruise’s Olympic stunt (and how it took over a year to pull off)

After the Paris Olympics this year, the French city handed over the hosting role to Los Angeles, California, which is set to host the 2028 Summer Olympics. It is tradition for the white Olympic flag to be passed on to the next host city, and they decided to do it in the most American way possible. The closing ceremony had Tom Cruise jumps from the Stade du France into the stadium. He grabbed the flag and rode it onto his motorcycle before the broadcast switched to a pre-recorded video of the Mission: Impossible Star brings the flag to LA. Apparently this stunt was over a year in the planning and a lot of moving parts had to come together to pull it off.

How the incredible stunt at the closing ceremony came about

Ben Winston was one of the producers of the closing ceremony of this year’s Olympic Games and spoke about how his team made the incredible Tom Cruise stunt possible. The idea for an international travel video about the stunt came to him after he was inspired by one of Conan O’Brien’s unforgettable moments in the 2000s.

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