
Brutality of a DNC delegate accuses the Democratic Party of political violence

Brutality of a DNC delegate accuses the Democratic Party of political violence

Another day and another Democratic apparatchik were involved in a violent act of domestic terrorism – in this case, a delegate to a Democratic convention was arrested for his involvement in the riots in Ferguson, Missouri, where a popular police officer fought for his life after an attack.

Keith Rose, a replacement candidate from the St. Louis DNC (he has since withdrawn), is accused of kicking in a metal gate in front of a police station besieged by “largely peaceful” rioters who commemorated the death of Michael Brown with violence and anarchy.

My goodness, it’s really funny how closely intertwined the left-wing riot apparatus seems to be with the traditional machinery of the Democratic Party.

It is almost as if the national Democrats support this kind of thing.

After all, Congress, state legislatures, and local governments are full of Democrats who have repeatedly voted to defund and disempower police without regard for violent consequences.

Democratic prosecutors went easy on the anti-Semitic thugs who attacked and intimidated Jews on college campuses across the country over the summer.

Even current Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris gave her blessing to the riots in Minneapolis in the summer of 2020.

Of course, the extreme left wing is not happy with the party’s acceptance of widespread political violence – in comparison, the riots in the Capitol on January 6 seemed like a wild barbecue party.

Just consider the widespread expectation that there would be riots similar to those in Chicago in 1968 surrounding the Democratic National Convention.

Even Harris, the most extreme leftist ever on the Democratic ticket, is too far to the right for them. He called her “Bombala” because she was not sufficiently pro-Hamas and disrupted events in Manhattan to support them.

Meanwhile, Travis Brown, the police officer attacked by the rioters, is in danger of dying and leaving his twin daughters fatherless.

That is which the Democrats are co-signing. And Americans should never forget that when they go to the polls in November.

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