
Spoilers for “The Young and the Restless”: Sally’s next pregnancy story with Billy – Stunning baby daddy upheaval?

Spoilers for “The Young and the Restless”: Sally’s next pregnancy story with Billy – Stunning baby daddy upheaval?

Spoilers for “The Young and the Restless”: Sally’s next pregnancy story with Billy – Stunning baby daddy upheaval?

Spoilers for The Young and the Restless (Y&R) reveal that Sally Spectra (Courtney Hope) and Billy Abbott (Jason Thompson) have been bonding lately, so it’s probably only a matter of time before they go to bed.

Adam Newman (Mark Grossman) and Chelsea Lawson (Melissa Claire Egan) do their best to maintain their relationship, but their betrayal in Baltimore is sure to destroy their romance.

At some point, Sally and Billy will probably end up in bed together.

Maybe Billy and Sally will even become a real couple someday.

With Sally and Billy about to spend a lot of time on screen and tell new stories, we should think about what long-term direction the writers have in mind.

It wasn’t long ago that Billy consoled Sally over the loss of Ava Spectra by thinking about his own loss of Delia Abbott (Sophie Pollono).

Both Billy and Sally feel an emptiness caused by the death of their daughters, which could potentially lead to a future plot twist.

Sally would like to become a mother at some point, so Y&R may allow her to have a second pregnancy.

There has been speculation that a second chance could allow Sally and Adam to have a baby that would save their romance, but there is no guarantee that will happen.

Adam and Sally have honestly been running out of steam for some time, so this cheating fiasco seems like a good way to break them up. The same goes for Chelsea and Billy’s boring relationship.

It seems like the show has big plans for another chapter with Chelsea and Adam, so Adam may not be the “baby daddy” if Sally gets pregnant again.

Y&R may instead wait until Sally develops a passion for Billy so they can have a baby of their own.

No child could ever replace Delia or Ava, but it would still be interesting to see Billy and Sally build a shared past through the birth of a new baby and thus honor the children who died.

The bottom line is that if Sally got pregnant by Adam a second time it would feel like a repeat of an old story, but a pregnancy by Billy would be a game changer.

This “baby daddy” twist would really shake up Genoa City!

Do you think Billy might be playing a prank on Sally when the two inevitably get together? Could having a child together be part of Sally and Billy’s romantic future?

According to The Young and the Restless spoilers, Sally may be in for some stunning news, so we’re bringing you updates on the possible pregnancy and other baby daddy predictions.

CDL has more fantastic The Young and the Restless spoilers, predictions, updates, and news for you to read about, so make us your go-to source.

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