
Traveler has to eat a whole bag of “snacks” before boarding the plane and lands higher than the plane itself

Traveler has to eat a whole bag of “snacks” before boarding the plane and lands higher than the plane itself

First, a disclaimer: TikTok@ginabakes wasn’t actually forced to wolf down a giant handful of… let’s call it “enhanced” cookie dough before boarding her plane. However, from her perspective, there were two options: either forgo these delicious snacks and forget all the money and work that went into making them, or try to prove that they were just regular cookie dough by eating them all in one go and bracing for impact.

Gina, who apparently would rather commune with the Old Gods than even think about waste, had no problem with her decision, just as we have no problem figuring out that this cookie dough doesn’t belong in a church, so to speak.

It’s a 12-second story told in just five frames. Gina is standing in line to board her plane. The object in question is a bag of pink cookie bits, which Gina claims (and tries to prove) are just cookie bits. And before she knows it, the plane she’s boarding joins her in the clouds and her eyes start to look like watermelons. In fact, Gina is completely out of it here and the pumpkin has changed its locks.

However, not everyone seems to believe this story. Some say TSA agents would never go to such trouble, and others say that even if they did, their special treat wouldn’t be a problem. What these commenters don’t seem to realize, however, is that regardless of how true these events are, the picture they paint is an absolutely comical one.

It’s so funny, in fact, that the only thing that could be funnier would be if this video was a marketing tactic by Gina to get even more attention for her homemade weed-infused cookie dough that she happens to sell online and has a link to that shop on her TikTok profile, which Also happens to be home to countless other videos featuring these delicious, mind-numbing little evildoers. But what are the chances of that?

Well, that’s about as likely as the fact that some of these videos are suspiciously similar to the one shown above (and by “similar” we mean that some of the exact same frames are present).

Could a TikTok scroller—out of the picture—see through Gina’s ploy and label her as insincere? Yes, probably, but those are the risks you have to take when it comes to the unbridled, unforgiving game of advertising, and if staged skits featuring psychologically relentless baked goods are going to lure customers, so be it.

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