
Three-party system?

Three-party system?

Everyone knows that the Republican Party has a lot of infighting and disagreements about its leader and the direction of the party. The old stalwarts like Liz and Mitt are out. Those who remain have been forced to somersault and change their minds, like Mitch. Now people are simply leaving the party because it is leaderless and subject to the whims of one man.

The power struggle in the US has always been a tug of war between two parties for the center, the independents, just like in other countries, for example Canada. Political volatility in countries with multi-party systems does not seem to be as great in most cases, and the party in power often has to pay more attention to minority parties. In many cases, they have to compromise or accommodate minority parties, especially minority governments, in order to move the country in an agreed direction that their electorate and the population desires.

Currently, the split in the Republican Party is that the old guard part wants to leave the deplorable MAGA, Q, and white power supporters behind, and the deplorable MAGA, Q, and white power supporters want to leave the old guard RINOs behind.

Now seems like the perfect time for this split. The Old Guard could re-establish itself as the party of conservative reason. It could give in to the wishes of the population by moving just a little to the left or right without really compromising its most valuable positions. The MAGGETS could then unite around their anger and conspiracies, which seems to be all they need for their unity, and the Left could continue to fight for progressive values.
The party that can establish itself as a centrist party seems to meet the needs of the majority population more often and thus spends more time in the driver’s seat. At least that is what I have observed in Canada and some other EU countries. The direction of countries with multi-party systems seems to be less affected by large pendulum movements that shake the economy and social fabric.

I’m not really sure I want to do that, because I’m a green progressive and I don’t care for conservative social values. But if there was ever a time to form a centrist party in the US, it’s now. The chances of saving the old party are diminishing.

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