By Robin Hunt

On Tuesday, the Green River City Council met for its regular meeting. After hearing some public comments, Mayor Ren Hatt presented a progress report on the search for a new city manager.

“We had hired one person, but that person ultimately dropped out for logistical and personal reasons,” said Mayor Hatt. “That’s why we have restarted the search and will begin the first round of interviews tomorrow.”

Mayor Hatt encouraged those present to spread the word and encourage anyone who knows someone who would be well suited to the position to apply.

After some discussion regarding impacts and capacity, the Council approved the expansion of water and wastewater service for Blackstone Minerals NV, LLC. The Council approved the proclamation of September as Suicide Prevention and Awareness Month.

They discussed concerns about fire safety. The city recently sent out a letter asking citizens to check their property and make adjustments to make it more fire safe. The council also discussed placing large construction waste containers throughout the city to make it a little easier for people to clean up their properties.

The mayor announced that he will hold office hours on the first and third Wednesdays from 4 to 6 p.m. The next city council meeting will be on September 10 at 7 p.m.