
Damon Stapleton, the work behind the work, Chaka Sobhani of DDB Worldwide and more – Campaign Brief Asia

Damon Stapleton, the work behind the work, Chaka Sobhani of DDB Worldwide and more – Campaign Brief Asia

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Damon Stapleton, the work behind the work, Chaka Sobhani of DDB Worldwide and more – Campaign Brief Asia

Day 1 of the AWARD “This Way Up” Festival of Creativity opened with an electrifying keynote from Damon Stapleton, Co-Founder and CCO of The Monkeys Aotearoa. Known for his uncompromising approach to creativity and award-winning work spanning over 30 years, Stapleton shared insights into what he believes are the transcendent powers of creativity and illustrated how it can be a catalyst for transformation. He challenged creatives to not be boring, to make obscure connections, push boundaries, embrace impossible dualities and create something from nothing.

His final advice: “Do” more and talk less.

Rene Migliore, Managing Director of 303 MullenLowe Perth, says of Stapleton’s keynote: “AWARD has done a great job of selecting speakers and topics that are totally relatable and interesting to anyone in the commercial creative industry. You know when a room full of creatives is quiet and focused, the topics are on point. Damon was a real eye-catcher. Full of great stories and lessons wrapped up in humor and humility. I loved his observation that many clients want the results of creativity, but not necessarily the process, which can be messy. And in truth, creativity has to be messy to get to great results. Companies turn to creative agencies to find answers to big problems, but our strength lies in the process of finding answers, in not knowing the answers but knowing how to get to them. As Damon said, ‘The leap comes not from knowing, but from not knowing.’ From my experience, that really resonates. It takes practice, chaos, and a shared belief from a team to find great creative solutions. And when the final ‘thing’ is finished and sent out into the world, all the mess and hard work has been worth it.”

Day 1 of the AWARD Festival “This Way Up”: Damon Stapleton, the work behind the work, Chaka Sobhani of DDB Worldwide and more
Day 1 of the AWARD Festival “This Way Up”: Damon Stapleton, the work behind the work, Chaka Sobhani of DDB Worldwide and more

Creative leaders Tara McKenty, Dave Bowman, Matty Burton and Steve Coll spoke about their journey from advertising to tech and how the experience changed their careers. They returned with renewed education in technology, a deeper sense of self, fresh energy for the advertising world and a better understanding of client needs. They emphasised the joy and fulfilment that comes from creativity and being close to work, the importance of investing in training – something the tech industry excels at – and the value of stepping out of your comfort zone to think bigger and achieve goals faster.

The ‘Work Behind the Work’ session featured award-winning campaigns from M&C Saatchi and The Monkeys, showcasing their clients’ shared commitment to passion, creativity and courage. M&C Saatchi revealed the strategy and creative journey behind ‘The Plastic Forecast’ for Minderoo Foundation, emphasising scientific rigour and collaboration to address the impact of plastic consumption on the planet. Meanwhile, Barb Humphries, ECD, The Monkeys and Michael Richie, Managing Director/Owner, Revolver, shared their experiences implementing ‘Play It Safe’ for the 50th anniversary of the Sydney Opera House, showcasing the scale, artistry and timelessness required to honour such an iconic milestone.

The day concluded with a keynote from Chaka Sobhani, Global Chief Creative Officer of DDB Worldwide, who spoke about the power of connection, humor and emotion in creativity and encouraged creatives to put heart into their work to make it truly impactful for the brands they work with.

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