
The Bookseller – News – Publishers Association reaches 200 signatories to sustainability pledge

The Bookseller – News – Publishers Association reaches 200 signatories to sustainability pledge

The British publishing industry’s sustainability pledge “Publishing Declares” has now reached 200 signatories, the 200th being the design company Muddy Publishing.

The Publishing Declares pledge was launched by the Publishers Association in 2021 to raise awareness of climate change and highlight the industry’s role in tackling the climate crisis through environmental sustainability initiatives.

Jude Gates, chair of the Publishers Association’s Sustainability Taskforce, said: “The more we in the book and magazine industry use our creativity to deliver on our promises, the more likely we are to succeed. Many companies are already making significant progress in delivering on this promise and every new signatory to Publishing Declares is a step in the right direction.”

Alice Wood, sustainability manager at the Publishers Association, said: “Every new signature represents positive progress in the fight against the impacts of the climate crisis. As the pledge states, our ideas and stories are limitless, but the planet’s resources are not. The world needs these 200 signatories and we look forward to welcoming more and continuing our important work.”

The signatories undertake

  • Take action on climate action: Support global climate efforts to limit warming to 1.5°C by setting ambitious, measurable targets in our own operations and extended supply chain to achieve net zero as soon as possible and no later than 2050.

  • Protect life on land: Protect nature and biodiversity by working with resource-efficient supply chain partners, using the most sustainable materials and processes in the content we create, and continually innovating to use new and recycled materials.

  • Strengthening partnerships: Collaborate with our colleagues, authors, illustrators, supply chain partners and business partners to translate our climate goals and commitments into concrete actions to protect our planet for future generations.

The strategic focus of the Task Force under its new chair is to enable signatories to work towards their climate protection goals through knowledge sharing.

To sign the commitment, please click here.

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