
Your local newspapers win 25 awards

Your local newspapers win 25 awards

Rick Patrick

[email protected]

During the Florida Press Association’s Weekly Newspaper Awards luncheon on Friday, July 26 in Orlando, Greene Publishing, Inc., ECB Publishing and the Riverbend News were honored in several categories. Newspapers from across the Sunshine State submitted their best work, which was judged by industry experts from outside the state. First, second and third place awards were given in categories based on newspaper circulation. The following awards went to:

Greene Publishing, Inc.:

• First place – photo series in one issue

• First place – Community History

• First place – Humorous column

• Second place – Information graphics

• Second Place – Special Edition

• Second place – Outdoor and Leisure

• Second place – feature story on the hurricane

• Second Place – Investigative Reporting

• Third place – Special Edition

ECB publications:

• First place – Outdoor and Leisure

• First place – Agriculture and environmental reporting

• First Place – Local Government Reporting

• Second place – In-depth reporting (non-investigative)

• Second Place – Serious Column

• Third place – Information graphics

• Third Place – Sports Spot News Story

•Third place – Community History

•Third place – Agriculture and environmental reporting

•Third place – Business Reporting

•Third Place – General News Report

•Third Place – Hurricane Coverage (General News Story)

Riverbend News:

•Second place – Community History

•Third place – Page design

•Third Place – Serious Column

The veranda:

•Silver Award – Print advertising design for cars/boats/motorhomes.

“These awards recognize the work and dedication of our entire staff,” said Publisher Emerald Greene. “I am so proud of the work they do every day to bring the news to our little corner of the world.”

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