
United Way of West Alabama launches $4.65 million capital campaign

United Way of West Alabama launches .65 million capital campaign

An organization key to funding nonprofits in the Tuscaloosa area set a lofty fundraising goal during a well-attended kickoff event Tuesday at the Bryant Conference Center.

The United Way of West Alabama raises millions of dollars each year and then makes that money available to over 30 local agencies so they don’t have to worry as much about raising capital and can instead focus on the important services they provide.

These organizations include Temporary Emergency Services, Boys & Girls Club of West Alabama, Easter Seals of West Alabama, Tuscaloosa’s One Place and dozens more – they form the backbone of charitable work in the community.

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On Tuesday, new campaign director Brock Jones, the Million Dollar Band, Big Al and many others joined in a spirited kickoff campaign where the United Way announced its goal of raising $4,650,000 this year.

(Stephen Dethrage | Tuscaloosa thread)

(Stephen Dethrage | Tuscaloosa thread)

“You never know when you’re going to need United Way, but it’s good to know we’re here when you need us,” Jones said, recalling the time last year when some residents in Bibb and Sumter counties received warnings that their drinking water was unsafe to drink and therefore not to boil the water.

The UWWA took action and, together with Chris Gunter of Buffalo Rock, distributed 50,000 bottles of water to these communities.

Jones called the United Way “the friend you didn’t know until you really needed it” and said its impact was enormous.

(Stephen Dethrage | Tuscaloosa thread)

(Stephen Dethrage | Tuscaloosa thread)

“You probably know someone who has benefited from these programs, because United Way and our partner agencies impact one in four West Alabama residents,” Jones said. “That means one in four have had their lives improved because of your support.”

UWWA President and CEO Jackie Wuska said she understands that times are difficult in a tough economy, but she asked the hundreds of people attending the event to consider how much harder it makes things for people who are already struggling.

(Stephen Dethrage | Tuscaloosa thread)

(Stephen Dethrage | Tuscaloosa thread)

The demand from its partner agencies has steadily increased and the goal set on Tuesday represents a new high for the organization.

To learn more about UWWA and this capital campaign, and to consider making a donation, check out their page here.

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Gallery credit: (Stephen Dethrage | Tuscaloosa Thread)

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