
Let’s talk to Congressman John Joyce about the economy

Let’s talk to Congressman John Joyce about the economy

August 13 – The markets have been experiencing ups and downs lately and the economy seems to be changing practically daily.

Many people point fingers, but what is the real story?

Michele Jansen of NewsTalk 103.7FM pointed out: “Last week there was a very big drop in the stock market and then there was a global issue with the very big drop in the Japanese Nikkei, which may be due to many causes but the instability of the US economy seems to be the main reason. We had just had a really bad jobs report before that happened, among other problems that are currently occurring. Kamala Harris immediately blamed Donald Trump for that, which makes no sense to me. The volatility in the market, I know it has risen sharply since then but has not fully recovered. That is worrying though. We are hearing from certain economists that this could be the start of a possible recession in the future, hopefully not. What do you think is the cause of that and how do you respond to this being blamed on the last president who has been out of office for three and a half years?”

Congressman John Joyce said, “This borders on absurdity. But I guess it came from Kamala Harris, so it shouldn’t surprise us. Last week, when we saw the unemployment rate hit a nearly three-year high of 4.3% and the week before that our national debt grew to over $35 trillion, we saw this market volatility, and Americans want stability. They want stability in interest rates. They want stability in mortgage rates. They want stability in everyday finances, and that was the case under Donald J. Trump, but under the Biden/Harris administration, we’re seeing reckless spending that has led to this volatility, that has led to this inflation, and it really borders on absurdity for Kamala Harris to blame this on someone who was president three years ago. That is reckless spending. The Biden/Harris administration is responsible for this, and that is poor economic planning.” Now, having seen the stock market crash and the subsequent slight recovery, we are seeing that businesses are not being able to make the plans they need to grow because of rising interest rates. We have seen families struggling as they go back to school shopping and trying to make decisions about sneakers to buy their kids, but they have to plan to be able to buy gas for their car. This is the August work period, and I have traveled all over the district. I have heard from families. I have heard from small business owners who are struggling to cover the rising prices of everyday expenses. We have seen that. We have seen that credit card debt has continued to rise and that families are now actually using their savings to pay their utility bills. President Biden and Vice President Harris have refused to talk about these problems. No, that is not true if they want to blame President Trump for three years where we had lower interest rates. We had stable mortgage rates. Yes, they want to blame it on someone who was here three years ago. Biden and Harris are ignoring inflation and not addressing it on the campaign trail because they know they’re losing that fight, and President Trump understands these issues. He understood them, and that’s why he cut taxes as president. That’s why he kept inflation down, and that’s why he fought to reduce waste in government, and that’s what he’ll do when he comes back, if he’s re-elected in November. Of course, I’m supporting President Donald J. Trump to win in November. I think every American who has to open their wallet understands the importance of economic stability, and that economic stability will return with Donald J. Trump.”

Jansen added, “Another thing we keep hearing about is that she was put in charge of border enforcement. Of course, they dispute the title of border czar, when even if you just look at what she was supposed to do and look at the root causes of it, we haven’t seen any real progress there. We haven’t seen any breakthroughs in solving the problems there. But I think people forget that she was also put in charge of broadband. She was supposed to take the lead on that. My understanding is that $47 billion has been allocated to that so far, and now they’re asking Congress for more money to do it. But how much progress has actually been made on nationwide broadband?”

Joyce confirmed, “Very little has been done. It’s been 1,000 days since Kamala Harris was tasked with expanding broadband in rural areas, and in that time, I repeat, not a single dollar has been used to connect a single American or a single American business. She had a duty to authorize local broadband companies that have the ability to lay fiber optic cables, put up cell towers, and get families internet. But under Kamala Harris’ leadership, or lack thereof, they’ve added DEI requirements or created additional layers of bureaucracy. They’ve slowed progress at every turn. She had a chance to show leadership, and that chance was wasted. So last week I met with business owners, medical professionals, educators who talked about how they couldn’t communicate effectively, use telehealth effectively, or let students do their homework, or take advantage of the commerce that’s possible with broadband expansion. Unless we have highly reliable internet connections, we’re going to be fighting a losing battle. And Kamala Harris has once again demonstrated her lack of leadership in securing our border, her lack of leadership in allowing that connectivity to expand, and I’m not just talking about Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. I’m talking about connectivity in south central and southwest Pennsylvania. We know Philadelphia and Pittsburgh have 5G. We don’t want them to get the lion’s share of the funds allocated. No more funds should be allocated until the funds already allocated are successfully deployed. We haven’t seen a single groundbreaking, and instead of dealing with issues like broadband, Kamala Harris has spent her time as vice president touting her lenient policies on crime and more government spending. This has led to the steep inflation we just talked about. That shows you what she’s all about. That shows she’s weak and ineffective. And we have seen that during her time as Vice President and Border Commissioner, she has only achieved 0% of that task, 0% on broadband expansion, 0% on the necessary protection of our southern border. These are below average ratings. She is a failed Vice President. She will not be an effective President. I support Donald J. Trump if he returns to the White House and provides the leadership that America wants and deserves.”

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