
Paving the way for the future of college sports in America

Paving the way for the future of college sports in America

The Forum’s discussions underlined the need for concerted action to create a more inclusive, innovative and sustainable future in university sport.

From August 7 to 9, the 5th FISU America Forum was held at the Auditorium of the National University of San Antonio Abad in Cusco (UNSAAC). Organized by the International University Sports Federation, FISU America, the Peruvian University Sports Federation (FEDUP), which celebrated its 100th anniversary at this event, and UNSAAC, this important event has become a central meeting for the university sports community in Peru and throughout the Americas.

During the opening ceremony, Alim Maluf Neto, President of FISU America, thanked the local entities, especially the Peruvian University Sports Federation, for their commitment and support in hosting and organizing the event in the year of its 100th anniversary.

During the three-day event, approximately 200 participants from six countries and more than 50 universities met to discuss the opportunities and challenges facing college sports in the region. The forum provided a platform for in-depth discussions on a variety of topics, all aimed at shaping the future of college sports in the Americas.

Roxana J. Abarca ArrambideDirector of Well-being at the National University of San Antonio Abad del Cusco, emphasized the importance of sport and well-being for the successful academic integration of students.

Regional cooperation: the path to increased synergy

One of the key opportunities identified during the forum was the need to improve regional cooperation between university sports federations. Strengthening this synergy is crucial for designing inclusive inter-university programs, facilitating knowledge transfer and promoting joint events that enrich both the educational and sports experience. However, Alim Maluf Neto said that despite significant progress in the Americas, “the challenge remains to create effective mechanisms to ensure the harmonious implementation of these joint initiatives.”

Innovation in management: using new technologies

The forum also highlighted the importance of integrating new technologies and data analytics into university sport management. These tools are essential for optimizing educational management and promoting equitable inclusion to ensure universal access to sport opportunities. However, developing strategies that leverage these technologies to benefit all students and ensure equitable access remains a major challenge.

Inclusion and diversity: central themes of the forum

Sport for all, inclusion and diversity were key topics of discussion. The forum highlighted the need to implement educational strategies that guarantee equal opportunities for all students, including para-athletes and minority groups. This focus on inclusion offers the opportunity to effectively integrate these groups into all sports and educational initiatives. The challenge, however, is to develop and implement strategies that ensure inclusive and equitable participation and overcome the barriers that currently limit the participation of these groups.

Fernando ParenteDirector of Development and Healthy Campus at FISU, highlighted the importance of implementing programs to reach all groups and not exclude anyone by implementing wellbeing programs such as the FISU Healthy Campus.

Holistic student development: a comprehensive approach

The importance of holistic student development was another focus of the forum. Werner Salcedo Álvarez, President of the National Assembly of Regional Governments and a prominent national political figure, stressed the crucial role of universities as comprehensive educational environments. He stressed the “importance of these institutions in promoting not only students’ academic and athletic skills, but also their socio-emotional development, which benefits both students and society as a whole.” The opportunity lies in implementing educational approaches that effectively integrate these dimensions and ensure that every student receives the support they need for their full development.

Werner Salcedo Álvarez, President of the National Assembly of Regional Governments of Peru.

Mental health: a critical component of supporting student athletes

The Forum highlighted the need to implement psycho-educational interventions to support student-athletes and individuals who are physically active. These interventions are crucial to help students balance their academic and athletic lives while receiving accessible psychological support. The challenge is to develop and provide psychological support programs that meet students’ emotional and mental needs and promote a healthy balance between their commitments.

Alliances, marketing and sponsorship: strengthening financial support

Finally, the creation of alliances and sponsorships with the private sector was highlighted as a key way to strengthen financial support and increase the visibility of university sport. Luciano Cabral said in his speech on marketing that “partnerships are essential to promote sustainability and provide valuable educational resources”. The challenge is to build relationships and agreements that ensure continued financial support and improve the infrastructure and resources available to university sport.

A vision for the future of university sports

The 5th FISU America Forum Cusco 2024 provided a comprehensive overview of the challenges and opportunities facing college sport in the Americas. The Forum’s discussions highlighted the need for concerted action to create a more inclusive, innovative and sustainable future for college sport.

David Dagoberto Timoteo Chero, President of the Peruvian University Sports Federation, receives congratulations from Luciano Cabral, First Vice President of FISU, on the celebration of the centenary of his federation.

As society faces significant gaps and challenges due to economic and cultural factors, the real challenge is to pool the efforts of all institutions related to sport. The involvement of all sectors – from schools and universities to associations – is crucial to ensure the practice of sport throughout life and to create an environment that guarantees the continued well-being of all citizens who aspire to an active, fulfilling and healthy life.

To achieve these goals, it is important to create knowledge and develop effective policies. Governments and societies must work together to value and support each individual and recognise their essential role in promoting collective wellbeing. By increasing our commitment to physical education, we can have a positive and sustainable impact and promote active and healthy lives for all.

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