
RFK Bear Story – Longmont Times-Call

RFK Bear Story – Longmont Times-Call

RFK Jr. acted responsibly

Regarding the story of presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. with the bear cub carcass: Apparently he publicized this event because the media could interpret the story in a way that would label Bobby as a nutcase. Since most people shop at monoculture supermarkets, the media may have successfully labeled RFK as a nutcase.

My grandfather and other climbers would have picked up the carcass with the same intention as RFK Jr., to obtain food and fur. There is nothing unusual about this behavior.

Because he had to deal with smelly/rotting flesh, RFK Jr. had to remove the carcass from his car. If he had left it on the road, he might have caused an accident. Or if he had left it in the park, that was the responsibility of the local authorities. He simply moved the carcass to another location.

Like my grandparents, I ate bear. For many people, especially those who live in the mountains, this is normal, appreciative behavior.

At worst, RFK Jr. took on too much responsibility. Driving with a smelly carcass could have negatively affected his driving.

I believe RFK Jr. respects and values ​​all animals. Like Coloradans, he cares deeply about the environment and our health. He has my vote!

Angela Green, Boulder

Originally published:

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