On the birthday of her late mother, legendary actress Sridevi, Janhvi Kapoor visited the Tirupati temple, continuing a tradition that was very dear to her heart. Her friend Shikhar Pahariya accompanied her on this spiritual journey. The visit, which had deep personal significance, saw Janhvi seek blessings at the temple, a ritual she performs every year on her mother’s birthday.
Dressed in a bright yellow silk sari adorned with traditional South Indian jewellery, Janhvi was seen walking alongside Shikhar, who wore a veshti, a traditional South Indian garb. The couple, surrounded by security guards, were captured on video bowing and kneeling for prayers, a scene that quickly made its way across social media platforms. Janhvi later shared snippets of the visit on Instagram, giving her fans a glimpse into their day of devotion.
One of the photos she shared featured the steps of the temple, suggesting that she climbed the temple on foot – a practice she religiously follows on this special day. Alongside it, Janhvi posted a touching throwback photo from her childhood showing her with Sridevi after a temple visit. The emotional caption read: “Happy Birthday Mom, I love you.”
In an earlier interview, Janhvi spoke about her growing spiritual connection and how the Tirupati temple holds a special place in her life. She shared, “Over the last 5-6 years, I have developed a very spiritual inclination. I find refuge in my religion and spirituality and especially in Lord Balaji. I feel an inner calling that tells me that I must visit Tirupati, climb the stairs and seek the auspicious sight of the deity. I have already been to Tirupati thrice this year and will be going again on mom’s birthday.”
Check out her post here: