
Baldur’s Gate 3 player manages to get Mayrina’s husband to the final boss fight

Baldur’s Gate 3 player manages to get Mayrina’s husband to the final boss fight


  • Due to the difficulty of Netherbrain and Connor’s fragility, getting Connor to the final boss in Baldur’s Gate 3 is no easy task.
  • Mayrina’s story in Baldur’s Gate 3 revolves around the quest to resurrect her husband Connor and presents players with moral dilemmas and strategic decisions.
  • Players in Baldur’s Gate 3 can prioritize gear over NPCs like Mayrina and Connor and strategically use the Bitter Divorce wand for tactical advantages.

A player has managed to reach the final boss fight in Baldur’s Gate 3 with Mayrina’s husband Connor in her party. This is an incredible feat considering how fragile the zombie is and how difficult it is to defeat the Netherbrain, the final boss of. Baldur’s Gate 3.

Mayrina is a recurring NPC in Baldur’s Gate 3 who appears in the first and third acts of the game. Players can interact with her story and her husband’s story by rescuing Mayrina. Baldur’s Gate 3 Side quest. Players first meet Mayrina in Ethel’s teahouse, where she is forced by the witch to eat a cake. No matter what choice players make, whether fighting Ethel or making a deal, Mayrina will be angry with them because of her deal with the witch to resurrect her dead husband. Players can fix this by finding the Bitter Divorcee in the teahouse and offering to resurrect Connor with the magic wand, causing him to come back as a zombie.


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One Baldur’s Gate 3 Player with the username PickledThimble posted an image on Reddit that proves that they took Connor with them to the final boss fight. Connor is a zombie minion who is extremely useful as a tank in the early game. Later on, he is used as a utility summon due to his low stats. Since the Netherbrain fight in Baldur’s Gate 3 is challenging even for a level 12 party in endgame gear, but this feat is even more impressive.

Baldur’s Gate 3 player prioritizes equipment over NPCs

To achieve this, the player must have found the Wand of Bitter Divorce and decided to keep it for themselves, as one of the results of the quest “Save Mayrina” in Baldur’s Gate 3. This choice is purely strategic, as acquiring the Wand of Second Marriage takes priority over helping Mayrina and her husband. This wand allows the player to summon Connor at will, but its lifespan is limited to ten turns, so it must be summoned again afterward.

All of these facts add up to an incredible feat, as the player either summoned Connor in the boss room, essentially wasting an action, or got Connor to the boss fight alive in less than ten turns, all while protecting Connor, who isn’t one of the best. Baldur’s Gate 3 Allies. So far the OP hasn’t responded to the comments asking how they accomplished this, so we can only speculate on their methods.

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